I saw Juno yesterday. Before seeing it, I only heard it was terrible or amazing, and neither are true.
Juno is a good movie, however instead of using its awesome cast (which it has) it focuses on an unlikeable female lead. At a first glance it seems like she is a perfect person to cast the part, sassy, cute, had indie appeal that the movie thrives off. But instead of being sassy, she comes off as a smart ass who complains too much and instead of being charming and original, it comes off as striving to obtain this pseudo hipster goal. Basicly Juno is not an organic character.
Overall though the movie was solid. I do have a weak spot for anyone in arrested development, and there are two here. But the rest of the supporting cast does come off well. The best part is the emotions that I felt for the couple she was going to give the baby to. A complete switch of "likability" happens by the end.