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Author Topic: FNC Exclusive: Grassroots Tea Party movement protests big government in Equilism  (Read 2821 times)

Offline JALbatross

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Grassroots Tea Party movement protests big government in Equilism

EQUILITY CITY -- An unorganized, nonpartisan, patriotic group of real Equilismers have arrived in Equility City to protest the massive regional tax hikes about to take place throughout Equilism.  An entire nation of five million (5,000,000) Tea Partiers has relocated to Equilism, yet the Liberal Mainstream Media (LMSM) has largely ignored this groundbreaking story.  In the interests of remaining fair and balanced (we report; you decide), we sat down for an interview with Tea Party activist Sharron Angle.

FNC: Mrs Angle, thank you for joining us this afternoon.  Why do you think your massive grassroots effort has gone unreported by the mainstream media?

Angle: First of all, God bless the patriots at Fox News Channel for being the only honest news agency in Nationstates.  The liberal mainstream media has harbored socialist sympathies throughout Nationstates history.  For them, profits come second to pushing their Socialist/Fascist/Communist agenda on the Equilism people against their will.  Our grassroots movement seeks to stop that, by protesting fluoride in our tap water, and by protesting these tax increases which are definitely going to come even though we have no evidence whatsoever to back that up.  

FNC: That sounds like a brave, patriotic assessment that real Equilismers would probably agree with.  What do you make of the government-funded Equilism University Dean, Neenee, and her controversial connections with terrorists like Bill Ayers and the Black Panther Party?

Angle: Well, she opposes my good friend Meg Whitman for governor, so she must be pallin' around with terrorists and probably hates white people too.  What more proof do you need?

As University Dean she has failed to renounce the RL Black Panther Party's blatant attempts at election fraud in the RL United States.  Also, what about ACORN?  She has stood silent on these, the biggest threats to Equilism democracy of all time.  Whether or not ACORN and the Black Panther Party actually exist in Nationstates or have any relevance whatsoever is beside the point.

FNC: I think we can all agree with you there.  In the interest of asking hard-hitting questions, what did you have for breakfast this morning?

Angle: Pancakes.

FNC: Your life story truly is an inspiration to us all.  Thank you for sharing that with us.  And thank you for spending your afternoon with us - we realize how difficult and stressful it can be answering our hard-hitting questions.

Angle: Oh, but it has been a pleasure!  Thank you for the opportunity.  Hail Fox News!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 09:52:39 PM by JALbatross »