Zelda definitely has one of the best themes ever. Also Mario Bros. but discredited by not continuing to develop the same theme. EA Games normally have good tradition of good soundtracks, specially Medal of Honor.
Morrowind had good music but Oblivion makes much more sense, the soundtrack for Oblivion outruns most of other RP imo, very leveled with Final Fantasy (I was a big collector of FF media when i was younger, not really a player). But doesn't have expressive characterized theme, that can be a good thing for a type of game like that, but not very successful with several sequels, can you remember any TES music? Can you remember Zelda theme? if you can't, find it, listen, and you will sing it for half an hour in your head. Well maybe not that long...

Tomb Raider also had good music, even their last game had great soundtrack...very entertaining but not very artistic. Happens in most of the games nowadays.
I stick with classics, Zelda gets my prize.