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Author Topic: Best Characters  (Read 1789 times)

Offline Trey

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Best Characters
« on: March 19, 2008, 02:47:30 AM »
Since Binary Trip started a thread for RPG characters, I thought I would expand it a little.

My favorites:

Pretty much everyone from Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 (especially Snake)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Jehuty (Zone of the Enders)...not really a character per se, but it's still awesome.
The Nintendo Fantastic Four (Mario, Link, Samus, DK)
Joe (Viewtiful Joe)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Crash Bandicoot!
Agent 47 (Hitman)
Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)

And yours...
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 01:08:25 AM »
Everyone in SMT: Persona 3.
05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 03:02:35 PM »
Everyone in The Longest Journey.

Offline Trey

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2008, 04:07:30 PM »
Everyone in The Longest Journey.

I notice a slight resemblance between Al' and the cover girl for The Longest Journey...
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2008, 06:23:31 PM »
Really?  I didn't see a resemblance betwen April Ryan and myself, but it has been a long time since I played.  My hair was still long and blonde, then.  (eww)

P.S. I loved Max in Sanitarium, too.

Offline Bara

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2008, 06:30:35 PM »
Mattias Nilsson: Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2008, 06:44:56 PM »
Everyone in The Longest Journey.

I notice a slight resemblance between Al' and the cover girl for The Longest Journey...

I dunno, I still don't see it beyond general ethnicity and hair color (which, for me, isn't real anyway ;)).  She was completely awesome, though.  I really do need to suck it up and get Windows XP so I can play the sequel.

Offline St Oz

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 11:51:42 PM »
I played the Sequel, freakin' hilarious at times :P Especially when she first goes to that alternate world.

Offline Trey

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2008, 12:49:49 AM »
Everyone in The Longest Journey.

I notice a slight resemblance between Al' and the cover girl for The Longest Journey...

I dunno, I still don't see it beyond general ethnicity and hair color (which, for me, isn't real anyway ;)).  She was completely awesome, though.  I really do need to suck it up and get Windows XP so I can play the sequel.

I dunno...with lighting and the right camera angles...
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2008, 02:00:00 PM »
I played the Sequel, freakin' hilarious at times :P Especially when she first goes to that alternate world.

That game is one of the reasons I find myself tempted to upgrade to Windows XP... then I remember how much I hate it.  :P

Offline Trey

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2008, 08:31:00 PM »
I played the Sequel, freakin' hilarious at times :P Especially when she first goes to that alternate world.

That game is one of the reasons I find myself tempted to upgrade to Windows XP... then I remember how much I hate it.  :P

It being XP?  I was forced to upgrade from Windows 2000 because I had won a free iPod a few years back, and it required either an obscure Service Pack upgrade for 2000 or XP.  So...after a year's worth of procrastination, I upgraded.
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline St Oz

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2008, 08:50:28 PM »
Sequel is sort of odd, Africa is full of First World Countries and when you go to the Americas it's a land of total despair.

Offline Trey

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2008, 09:03:01 PM »
Sequel is sort of odd, Africa is full of First World Countries and when you go to the Americas it's a land of total despair.

Yay reversal!
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2008, 02:49:34 PM »
I played the Sequel, freakin' hilarious at times :P Especially when she first goes to that alternate world.

That game is one of the reasons I find myself tempted to upgrade to Windows XP... then I remember how much I hate it.  :P

It being XP?  I was forced to upgrade from Windows 2000 because I had won a free iPod a few years back, and it required either an obscure Service Pack upgrade for 2000 or XP.  So...after a year's worth of procrastination, I upgraded.

Yes, "it" is XP.  It's better now than when first released, obviously, but I still prefer my good old 2000 Professional.  Sadly, just about none of the games released in the past 4 years or so run on it.  I'm sure I could find some sort of unauthorized, doctored-up patch or something to make my PC run them anyway but I feel like a lot of the things I've seen are too dodgy to make the risk worthwhile.

Offline Allama

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Re: Best Characters
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2008, 02:52:38 PM »
Double-post, but meh.  :-P

Has anyone else played the PC game Sanitarium?  I loved it; all the characters are such whacked-out weirdos, some funny and some a bit more tragic.