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Author Topic: any tittle of song that you like...  (Read 808 times)

Offline zetty

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any tittle of song that you like...
« on: January 19, 2008, 12:15:32 PM »
can you say what the popular song at your country or you group or the best for your ear...
for me...i think i like umbrella from rihanna or teenagers from M.C.R. and alot more from plain white T's,
akon, and many more...like always...when i want to
write,the idea always gone...my English is not really good...sorry...=p

----just want to share----

Offline B9 perspective

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Re: any tittle of song that you like...
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 02:37:27 PM »
Hi Zetty, I think you already saw the 'what are you currently listening to' thread in the games section..but in any case  I LOVE music, and play music and the list of what I like is soooooooooo long I hardly know where to begin! I live in Italy- but I'm not particularly fond of Italian music...with some exceptions...I like Fabrizio de Andre and the now defunct L'una pop- some tunes by the Vibrations are ok too. My favorite opera is 'Norma' with the incrdible glass cracking aria (great to sing in the shower and listen to top volume) Casta la Diva..(trans. Invoke the Goddess). Don't worry about your English! It's fine..I mean Twitchy lives in an English speaking country and read his posts!
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: any tittle of song that you like...
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 05:45:10 AM »
Music is fantastic, it makes life run smoother and nullifies the worst moods (and with the right tune can really give you that urge to push the speedometer to the limit). I used to be into just metal, but since then I've broadened my horizons. My favorite classical composer is Shostakovich, without question, although I love the Red Army Choir and the way it seems to eminate from the people. The Soviet National Anthem was by far the most inspiring national anthem I had ever heard, and Sacred War was a very inspiring song as well. I'm not going to attempt to mimic a language I don't speak at all, so everything I says pretty much in English unless there is no English version! So, beyond classical I'm a big fan of all things metal, Metallica being mandatory but Dimmu Borgir, ArchEnemy, Red Harvest, Trollfest rack up big points! Especially Red Harvest's song Advanced Evolutionary Progression (A.E.P.) I also like a bit of punk/whatever. Radio used to be intolerable, but I've since found a liking for most bands I hear there, tho Screamo is beyong me. Most rap makes me cringe, there are very few rappers I can tolerate, mostly because flaunting women and money and bling just doesn't attract a socialist such as myself. No matter what though, chances are I'll be playing a song, my rooms a cacophony of noise, and I love it.
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Offline tallsville

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Re: any tittle of song that you like...
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 04:02:30 AM »
Music is what makes the world go round. It influences your moods. When I'm wound up, I listen to Infected mushroom, when I really need to wake up, I listen to Metallica. When I'm in a bad mood, well, nothing can help me there.