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Author Topic: Taijitu FAQ  (Read 6026 times)

Offline Khablan

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Taijitu FAQ
« on: September 28, 2007, 10:50:51 PM »
Q:  What does "Taijitu" mean?  Where does it come from?  How the heck do you pronounce it?

A:  It's the name that Eluvatar thought up when the region was being created.  Our Taijitu symbol incorporates the yin-yang, to represent balance, one of the goals sought by the founders while creating this region.  Taijitu is pronouned tie-jih-too.

Q:  What can I do in Taijitu?

A:  Lots!  Participate in dicussions, play around in our games section, chat in our IRC channel, do some role playing, make your own blog, post your own stories, read up on the news from our region and beyond.  Want more?  Join any of our organizations that appeals to you, buy and sell in our Bazaar, take a chance in our weekly Lottery.  Take a more active role by applying for a position in our government.  Be a recruiter, join our armed forces, write and vote on legislation as a Senator, represent our region abroad by being an Ambassador, and that's just for starters!

Q:  Why do I have to apply to become a citizen?  I've already moved my nation here, so doesn't that make me one automatically?

A:  Joining the region doesn't make you an official citizen.  But it's very easy to become one.  Becoming a citizen opens up more opportunities for you in the region, such as being able to hold certain positions or join certain organizations.  You do need to be willing to disclose the identity of whatever nation you possess that belongs to the UN, but you have the right to disclose it privately rather than posting it publicly on the forum.  Not having any nation in the UN doesn't mean you can't be a citizen - just specify that you don't have one.

Go here to apply.  You'll need to post:
1. Your Taijitu nation's link.
2.  If that nation is not in the UN then also post the link to whatever other nation you have that is in the UN, or if you don't have any in the UN at all, just post that you don't.

Citizenship is important in the region, as it represents that you are now part of the region and whatever is going on in it. As a citizen, you are protected by the laws of Taijitu, both in other regions and in Taijitu, should there be an internal dispute. To clarify, if a non citizen were to be accused of breaking the law of Taijitu, they would likely be banned without warning and without respite. A citizen cannot be banned without a disciplinary hearing, except in special circumstances where real life laws or rules have been broken.

Q:  Can I have more than one nation in Taijitu?

A:  If, for instance, you want to move an extra nation into the region for role play purposes, there's no rule against it.  BUT you can only obtain citizenship or positions with one nation or forum account.  Trying to do that with multiple nations is likely to get a person banned.   

Q:  What is tai, and what can I do with it?

A:  Tai is our regional currency.  It has nothing do do with your nation's currency or your role play currency either.  The amount of tai you have is shown to the left of your posts, beneath your avatar.  You earn tai by posting, by selling things in a shop you create on our Bazaar, or from having a position here.  To see the specific amounts, read the third post entitled Finances here.  Spend your tai on things that others sell in the Bazaar shops, or take a chance in our weekly Lottery.  For more info, click on the 'Shop' button at the top of the forum pages, or click here.

Q:  What are the member badges that show on posts and profiles all about?

A:  The badges are a way to point out who's who around here.  The possible badges include:  Citizen, Senator, Minister, Speaker, Vice Delegate, Delegate, and Dignitary.  If a person does not have a badge, they have a different title in its place according to their post count:  Newbie, Jr Member (50), Full Member (100), Sr. Member (250), Hero Member (500), Awesome Spammer (1000), Forum Dominator (2000).

Q:  What is Taijitu's stance on raiding and defending?

A:  As it states in the Ministry of Defense, Taijitu is neither raider nor defender, but strives to achieve the skills to be the epitome of excellence in both fields.  If you join the Armed Forces, situations might arise that would need you to be willing to participate in either.  To find out a bit more about it, visit our Ministry of Defense.

Q:  What are the requirements for joining the Armed Forces?

A:  Care to join up?  We're always looking for more people, and it's a good way to earn tai (our regional currency).  You need to have obtained citizenship, have a UN nation at your disposal, and be willing to participate in either raiding or defending if the need should arise.  You can apply here.

Q:  Why am I having problems with my signature and/or profile?

A:  If you're getting error messages when trying to change your profile or signature, or your signature isn't showing up correctly, it could be a result of having the character ' or " typed in somewhere.  The profile doesn't like those characters.

Q:  Why isn't the forum working right for me?

A:  The forum coding hasn't been tested in all languages or for all possible masks.  Try switching back to English and the default mask and see whether that works better for you.  If that doesn't fix it, post here for help.

Q:  Why is the forum loading so slowly, or giving me error pages?

A:  The forum generally runs smoothly here, but sometimes a problem with the host can gum up the works.  If you can't access it right now, try again in a little bit - it generally doesn't stay down for longer than a few minutes at a time.  Same goes for if it's loading very slowly - it'll speed up again after awhile.

Q:  How do I attach an image in a post?

A:  First, you need to host the image someplace - Imageshack and Photobucket are both popular and easy to use.  You store your image there, and when you're ready to attach it into a post, house its address inside image brackets like this:
Code: [Select]

Q:  Is there some sort of acronym list?

A:  You bet.  Right here.

Q:  What's IRC?  What's our IRC channel?

A:  IRC is the acronym for Internet Relay Chat.  Our IRC channel is a gathering place where people can ask questions, socialize, or just hang out.  Our regional channel is #taijitu on the espernet server, and if you don't have an IRC client of your own, we have a PJIRC webpage client that requires no download at all.  It's a slimmed down version that uses no more resources than any normal webpage.  For more information on IRC and how to use it, click here.  Our channel also has a few rules that people are expected to follow, so be sure to have a peek here at them.

Q:  Who runs Taitjitu?

A:  The region is run by its government, and if you're interested, you can take part in it and make your voice heard.  For a list of the current powers that be, go here - Who runs Taijitu?  If you'd like to learn more about how it works, read our Constitution, our Internal Procedures, and our Code of Laws.

Q:  Who are the founders and what do they do?

A:  The region's founders include: Soveriegn Dixie, PoD Gunner, The Crazy Monkeywoman, Eluvatar, Myroria, St Oz, The G Rebellion.  Here in Taijitu, they have the power to eject known and hostile invaders from the region, and they can suspend the controls of the Delegate while a vote is in progress to decide whether to remove him from office.  They receive no special privileges or immunities.

Q:  Who are the forum admins?

A: Eluvatar is our root admin, and Limi helps him out.  To see a current list of all our admins, see Who runs Taijitu?.

Q:  What are the rules here, and what can I do if I get in trouble?

A:  Here's the forum Terms of Service and our Taijitu Code of Laws.  They're pretty common sense, for the most part.  We generally don't believe in sweating the small stuff.

Infractions can result in temporary or permanent banning from any or all parts of the forum, ejection of the nation from the region, or the revoking of citizenship.  A reason must be posted on the public forum, and sent to that individual through both in-game telegram and personal message on the forum.

If you feel that you've been punished unfairly, you can take your case to our Supreme Court for a trial, but you must do so within two weeks of the occurence, unless you were on a leave of absence that precluded you from being back in time.  If you can't access the Supreme Court section for some reason, you have the right to appoint someone else to speak for you there.

Q:  What constitutes spamming?

A:  Posting something repeatedly either in the same thread or in multiple threads.  Another form of spam is posting a lot of nonsense, or things completely unrelated to the topic.  A certain amount of off-topic conversation is tolerated; threads often evolve into discussions of different subjects, and some silliness is accepted as simply casual conversation.  But when it becomes an annoyance to enough people, then it constitutes spam and a person might be asked to stop.  It doesn't necessarily have to be forum posts - spamming people through personal messages counts too.

Q:  What is trolling?

A:  The definition varies a bit across the internet.  But when someone talks about trolling here, they mean the sort where someone is persistently trying to start a fight or harassing someone.  Occurences will likely result in most of the Taijitu community coming down on your head. Simply, DON’T DO IT!

Q:  Where can I find more information about Taijitu outside of this forum?

A:  Our Taijitu Wiki is a good place to start.  It's only bits and pieces right now, and in serious need of an overhaul, but if you look, you should be able to find some useful stuff there.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 11:30:17 PM by Khablan »
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Official welcome wagon of Taijitu, Co-Minister of Community and Recruitment. Taijitu's ambassador to TWP, Madre Califidrix of the Order of Gryphons. 

Also unofficial forum mom - provider of various sources of solace for the soul, including but not limited to cookies, hugs, and hot cocoa.

Offline Khablan

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Re: Taijitu FAQ
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 10:57:26 PM »

Q:  Are there any rules for participating in RP?

A:  There aren't any absolute requirements, but participants are expected to use common courtesy and abide by the rules set up for that particular RP.  Keep in mind that no one likes to RP with someone who insists on unrealistic power/weaponry/finances/abilities.  Around here, that's known as god-modding.  If all a person wants to do is feed their own ego and win every time and be the best at everything, they'll soon find themselves unwelcome in all RPs.

Q:  Can I just join in or do I have to ask first?

A:  Some RPs are open to everyone, and others are by invitation only.  It's considered to be common courtesy to request to join before jumping into something that isn't obviously open to all.  When in doubt, it's a good idea to ask first.

Q:  How do I get a spot for my nation on the RP map?

A:  Go to this topic and follow the directions in the first post: RP Map thread. St Oz has the map set up so nearly anyone can get on it, but you have to remain active to stay there.

Q:  How do we figure our national budget for role play purposes?

A:  Well, you could decide on a budget on your own, but many people use online economy generators that are based on NS nations.  Here are some popular ones that you can try:
G.U.S.T.O Calculator
Calculator v8.0
A Sunset RPG Calculator
Another Sunset RPG Calculator
NS Dossier Report

Q:  For RP purposes, is Taijitu the entire world, or are there other regions out there?

A:  Speaking very generally, Taijitu is usually considered to be the entire world.  It can vary, though.  RP doesn't necessarily have to be Taijitu-derived.  One might be based in outer space, for instance.  So consider it to be a generally accepted rule of thumb.

Q:  What's this I hear about RP on IRC?

A:  I'm glad you asked!  There is also a #sillyRPchannel1 on IRC - all are welcome to join into the fun.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 11:01:43 PM by Khablan »
For all the news, check out our Community Office!

Got questions?  We got answers!  Come see our Information Section!

Official welcome wagon of Taijitu, Co-Minister of Community and Recruitment. Taijitu's ambassador to TWP, Madre Califidrix of the Order of Gryphons. 

Also unofficial forum mom - provider of various sources of solace for the soul, including but not limited to cookies, hugs, and hot cocoa.