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Author Topic: Questscape: The Epic Quest  (Read 4766 times)

Offline Annex

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Questscape: The Epic Quest
« on: March 14, 2008, 06:17:59 PM »
"The whole village has been poisoned except you..." gasped Mentortothe Hiro to his son through stunted breaths. "You must.... save them... save the rest of your family before it is too late... save the village.... save the world before this spreads. Ask the herbalist of the Tincture of Titillation!"

"But Father!"" cried Jenerik, overwhelmed, "What has caused this plague? Is it the Gods, or-"

"No," cried Mentortothe. "We were poisoned! Poisoned by the evil arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh...." and he collapsed lifeless to the ground.

Jenerik burst into tears, but looked around and saw the pyres on which plague victims were being burned, and realized that he had to overcome his childish fear. "I must help my people!" he cried, clutching the sword that had once belonged to his great hero grandfather, Graet Hiro.

Jenerik entered the herbalist's shop and asked him of the tincture. But the herbalist, too, collapsed on his counter, gasping for breath.

"I do not have much time- listen closely, Hiro. The Tincture has 5 components: The Effervescent Elderberries, a solution of Wormroot, 3 Pinecones of Power from the Tree of Ancience, a drop of sap from a Whispering Willow, and- arrrrrgghhhh...." he too died before Jenerik's eyes.

"AND WHAT?" Shouted Jenerik, yet he calmed himself, reminded of the task he must do. "I will do what I can..."
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 06:35:40 PM by Binary Trip »

Offline Rozaria

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 12:25:25 AM »
Kai had been walking for three days from his home of Syrian. He had been told by his grandfather that he was going to meet a 'Hiro'  and that he was to help this hero in his quest.

"God, it is hot out here. I hope there is a village soon." he was tired and dehydrated for walking so long.

He saw a man walking out of the village carrying a heavily ornate sword, that had the name 'Hiro' engraved on it in Elvish. Kai knew this was the 'Hiro' his grandfather was talking about.
Minister of Cretia:

Offline Annex

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 01:50:15 AM »
Suddenly, a shimmer of red fell upon the plains, the the horizon itself glowed a furious crimson. Then, the earth beneath Kai's feet erupted in fruity molten goo. He jumped back with a cry, glancing quickly at Jenerik, who stood silent and in shock.

OHHHHHHHHHYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Came the infernal shout from the pit. And out jumped none other than the dread demon Kulademan!

Kai looked urgently at Hiro and shouted "Run! OR you will be kill by demons!" But Hiro still stood, and Kai watched as the infamous Kulademan, a creature he had only seen in legends, grabbed Hiro and swept him into his pitcher with a sinister slurp.

OHHHH YEEEAAAAHAHHHHHH!!!!! He cried again, the ground trembling, everything a deep red hue. Kai closed his eyes and his eyelids, shut his ears and prayed as he smelled the Demon's intoxicating, fruity breath grow stronger....

...And then he was gone, disappeared to some other vile plane. Kai opened his eyes, and the plains were as tranquil as ever... except that Hiro was gone.

Offline Rozaria

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 04:56:30 AM »
(OOC:You can't kill me that fast ;-))

He knew he wasn't dead, he was just in another plane; the Plane of Tranquility and Recovery. This was the place where the believers of Lichen and Sarto go to well..What else? Recover! He was going to be in this place until his earthly body recovered.

He knew he had to find a way to see what was happening to Hiro.

"I think I got my spell book in my bag." He slid the bag off of his shoulders and set it on the ground. He got down on his knees and opened the bag. There were many things inside of his bag: a wand, one long sword, a badge, his grandfather's pendent, and most importantly his spell book. He finally found the spell book attached to a letter from his psychic grandfather. Here's what it said:

Dear Kai,

Your probably reading this because you need the spell to look what is happening to Hiro, aren't you? Well you are. You needn't worry though, Hiro smashed Kulademan's fruity arse as you young kids say. The spell is on page two hundred twenty-two. You will pause at a page that has to do with a Hiro. I will be watching you two together really soon.

Wow, his grandfather is really accurate. He flipped through the pages and stopped in the Angel pages, the name Hiro caught his eye, it was Graet Hiro. It says:

 Graet Hiro was well like his name suggests what he was, a great hero. He was made an Angel after he was killed by Rilke while Rilke was getting killed by him. He is now an Angel to Lavena, goddess of power. He had a son named Mentortothe. (This looked like a new entry)Graet also has a grandson named Jenerik.

He flipped the pages to two hundred twenty-two. The spell was on this page.

The Seeing Spell

See the ground where he walks, see in what tongue he talks, scry him now and save my buttocks.

Minister of Cretia:

Offline Annex

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 08:06:49 PM »
Kai read the incantation on the page, and felt the magical energy energizing his magic....

Then he heard, as he was speaking the final word, the spectral voice of Graet Hiro call urgently to him... "NO! ITS A TRAP!"

But the spell was too near completion, he could not stop. And as he spoke the final word, Kai felt his throat seize up and was suddenly attacked by a fit of coughing. The violent coughing became progressively worse, until finally he could not breathe anymore and fell to the ground, unconscious. Then he died. Then his body exploded into three pieces. Then those pieces each exploded into many pieces. Then those pieces disintegrated.

Offline Rozaria

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 08:23:41 PM »

Minister of Cretia:

Offline Annex

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 01:32:41 AM »
Kai awoke. It was all a dream.

Offline Rozaria

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 02:14:03 AM »
He still was in the Plane of Tranquility and Recovery, but he was looking down on Hiro. He was getting Kai's earth body and setting it on a brown Nordic-like table, whispering various incantations over Kai. They sounded English. Kai felt himself being pulled toward his earth body.

Here is Hiro's point of view:

"Heaven hear my cry, heal this soul and bring him to I, Him to I." the last word echoed once then died. Kai was recovered and not dead. Kai put his arms around Hiro and hugged him.

"Thank you Hiro, I and my family owe you one." Kai said letting go of Hiro and putting his arms in his lap and sitting cross legged.
Minister of Cretia:

Offline Annex

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Re: Questscape: The Epic Quest
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 07:19:23 PM »
Hiro woke from his dream to find himself in his own bed. It was all a dream... he thought to himself, somewhat relieved.