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Author Topic: Green Party of Taijitu  (Read 11593 times)

Offline Terran

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Green Party of Taijitu
« on: June 27, 2012, 06:10:57 AM »

The Green Party of Taijitu is an environmentally friendly and pro-conservationist party that favors a broad spectrum of policies. Chief among our concerns, is the protection and conservation of the environment and the protection of animals and furthering their rights through reasonable and scientific means. The Green Party has an agenda that is rooted in our "8 Values" Statement.

  • The Green Party strongly supports environmentalism, ethical scientific research, conservationism and eco-friendly industries.
  • The Green Party strongly supports reasonable rights for Animals, and opposes animal experimentation, exploitation and other forms of cruelty.
  • The Green Party strongly supports tough environmental regulations on businesses.
  • The Green Party supports parliamentary democracy, and promotes the advancement of education, equality and social welfare. It is the policy of the Green Party to promote individual responsibility and protect personal liberty.
  • The Green Party adheres to the logical and sound principle of fiscal conservatism; it is important to avoid spending what we cannot generate through revenue.
  • The Green Party favors a progressive income scale, that is graded steeply against the highest earners.
  • The Green Party believes that advocating a non-interventionist foreign policy both protects the interests of Taijitu Founder, and limits the impact that war can have on civilization and the environment.
  • The Green Party supports the complete abolition of new weapons research, nuclear weapons and seeks the reduction of the defense budget to minimum levels.

The Green Party of Taijitu is likely the only party within the region that expressly works in the interests of environmentalists. It is our aim to promote an atmosphere of peace, cooperation and environmentally conscious citizens. I personally hope that you will join me in this party, and if you would like more information about what the party supports or what we can offer you as a member, please feel free to ask! I can be reached via Private Message.

If you would like to join the Green Party, then simply post in this thread and you will get a PM from me with a couple of questions, just to make sure you're confident in what the party stands for. Thanks in advance!

In Solidarity,


What's the Green Party?
Member of the Greenthumb Society

Offline Terran

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Re: Green Party of Taijitu
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 04:38:54 AM »
Green Party Condemns Passage of Animal Experimentation Issue

From The Desk of GP Regional Chair

Within the last twenty four hours, there has been a passage of a controversial issue through the senate that has enacted affirmative legislation in Taijitu Founder that allows and encourages the practice of exploiting, torturing and abusing animals in the name of "progress" through scientific experimentation. It is regrettable that only one senator had the courage to stand up for those who cannot voice their opinion. In the past, studies have shown to link animals with a heightened sense of feeling, or pain, that extends well beyond the normal survival and behavioral patterns common with instinctual desires to stay alive. Not only that, but it's also been shown that in medical trials involving animals, less time is spent on the formula of a drug or compound and often times needless animal and sometimes consumer deaths result. As you can see, the practice of animal experimentation promotes the cutting of corners in an industry that should never be allowed to do so.

It is important for all members of Taijitu to remember that the animals, like the Enderman, of our region cannot speak for themselves and the environment in which they live can oftentimes never be replaced. The widespread deforestation, the experimentation on our precious natural resources, all of this factors into a gross violation of our own responsibility as stewards of the lands in which we inhabit. No one is calling for the dismantling of industry and the banning of automobiles, but rather for common sense. For the common sense to recognize that the exploitation, torture and infliction of pain on animals for profit is wrong.

I hope that in the future, the Senate and the Region has the courage to prevent this from continuing, or occurring again.

What's the Green Party?
Member of the Greenthumb Society

Offline Terran

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Re: Green Party of Taijitu
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 10:00:11 AM »
Kudos To Senator McMasterdonia!

Recently a letter was sent to the senatorial office of Senator McMasterdonia, in response to his staunch opposition to the recent passage of the Animal Experimentation Law in Taijitu Founder.

Senator McMasterodnia,

It is with great pleasure and sincere gratitude that I thank you on behalf of the Green Party of Taijitu, for casting an affirmative vote against Animal Experimentation. As you know, science has shown that animals feel pain and remember it outside of normal instinctual and survival behaviors. It's important for all citizens, and senators to understand this and work to avoid animal cruelty, exploitation and abuse.

It is our proud honor to bestow upon you, a Kudos for your efforts. Once the Party officially forms later this week, a weekly newsletter will feature senators and citizens who continually support Green policies. Thank you again for your efforts!

In Solidarity,


A big thank you to mcmasterdonia for standing up for the animals and wildlife that cannot do so themselves. If I were a bunny, I'd cuddle you so hard.  :h:

What's the Green Party?
Member of the Greenthumb Society

Offline Retsymar

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Re: Green Party of Taijitu
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 02:51:21 PM »
Can I join as soon as I have citizenship approved?

Offline Delfos

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Re: Green Party of Taijitu
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2015, 06:13:31 PM »
you are the sole heir of this party, take care of it please :D

Offline warder

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Re: Green Party of Taijitu
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2015, 02:27:49 PM »
May I join your party?
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