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Author Topic: IPO Archives  (Read 2060 times)

Offline Union

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IPO Archives
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:14:30 AM »

Welcome to the IPO Archives,
I am Secretary of the Archives, I manage all the documents and copies of bills that were introduced by the IPODs.
Please have a look around...any inquiries can be made to the IPO Archiver

--IPO Bill Vote: Territorial Waters Bill--

For       - Collatica, New Delfos, Greater Canadian Empire, Loyan, Bohemia

Against - Varkour

5 to 1 For, Bill Passes and in Force

Territorial Waters Bill Proposal

IPOD of Loyan

Every nation should have jurisdiction to it's immediate ocean area, for the purpose of law enforcement, defence, and management. This bill will recognize the right of every sovereignty to territorial ocean waters within 250 km of their sovereign's natural shore extent.

This bill will recognize the outlined rights of every Taijitian nation to the territorial parameters mention, regardless if they are a official signatory of the International Peace Charter.


--Security Council Bill--

For       - Greater Canadian Empire, Pachamama

Against - Delfos, Loyan, Collosea, Varkour, Bohemia

5 to 1 Against, Bill Fails

The RL UN created a Security Council for these reasons:

    * Investigate any situation threatening international peace;
    * Recommend procedures for peaceful resolution of a dispute;
    * Call upon other member nations to completely or partially interrupt economic relations as well as sea, air, postal, and radio communications, or to sever diplomatic relations; and
    * Enforce its decisions militarily, if necessary.

I suggest we do the same. It will not be a military alliance or a weapon to be used by the IPO, but just a way to resolve conflicts diplomatically , or if necessary militarily. But the latter would be the last resort. This Council will be able to do all that it says in the list and also be able to vote on whether or not peacekeepers should be moved into a war-zone to protect civilians and victims of wars or genocide. 


--Rotative Administration System--

For       - Cantr, Collatica, Delfos, Glomin, Greater Canadian Empire, Collosea, Terranger, Varkour, Bohemia

Against -

Abstain - Loyan

9 to nothing For, Bill Passed and in Force


by Yuri Papovish, I.P.O.Delegate of New Delfos

The Rotative Administration of a member nation will grant leadership of this organization in an administrative period of two weeks (half a month, or do you think it should be a month?).

An administration, appointed by a member nation, will be responsible for:
-Defining the prime goal of the administrative period;
-Defining two other possible goals for the administrative period;
-Maintain order and coherence in the International Peace Organization;
-Uphold and Enforce the established goals and rights;
-Communicate and arrange meetings with exterior entities of any kind.

The administration will gain effect:
-If it wasn't already appointed in the current period;
-After being nominated by the majority in a poll with every projects of the willing nations;
-After the current administration gives it's place for the next period;
-Until the following administration, in the end of the administrative period.

The Administrative Projects shall be presented to the current Administration, so that they can be included in a poll in the second half of the current Administrative Period, and this mentioned poll will decide which project suits this Organization in the next Administrative Period. This projects must contain the main guidelines of the willing membership and the responsibilities of the next Administration.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 02:40:12 AM by Loyan »
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