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Author Topic: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo  (Read 2452 times)

Offline Solnath

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Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« on: August 19, 2007, 04:37:04 AM »
So... only 73 days to go.
Neutral Evil

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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 02:31:49 AM »
I will try to do it.  I need to start getting ideas.
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Offline Trey

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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2007, 04:15:33 AM »
Ooh, now I have an excuse for writing almost nothing in my 3 stories in the last month or so...I'm waiting for NaNoWriMo...at least, that's what I'll tell myself so I can sleep at night.
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Solnath

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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 11:20:18 PM »
47 hours, 37 minutes and some seconds remaining for me.

Word count: 0.

EDIT: Oh yeah, locked and loaded.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 11:22:18 PM by Soly-chan ^_^ »
Neutral Evil

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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 04:01:28 AM »
I know I'm ready...I just have to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and actually put what I've mapped out for the story on the page.  I have the outline...now I need to write it.

Also locked and loaded.

Just one question...how do you visit another user's page?  I want to add Soly-chan as a "Writing Buddy", but I don't know how.

I supposed being so scared I might just keel over is normal, right?  I tend to be one of those people who edits at a ridiculous rate as I go, so just reaching the 50,000 word barrier will be the challenge.  I can get the quality, but the quantity...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 04:21:08 AM by Trey »
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Larry

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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2007, 10:43:42 PM »
Unfortunately, events are conspiring against me, so it will be almost impossible for me to successfully participate in NaNoWriMo this year. However, I decided at the last minute that this is really no excuse, and I may as well have a go.

So, yeah. Locked and loaded. Under another assumed name, of course.

Because I suddenly decided to take part in this about ten minutes ago, I have no plot figured out at all. I don't even have a genre or a title. As such, I'm going to be making it up on the spot, and the finished work will likely be unreadable. Nevertheless, I'll give it my best shot.
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Re: Taijitu Literary Club: Countdown to NaNoWriMo
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2007, 07:55:27 AM »
alright i am going to try it out... wish me luck as my writing tends to be brief and to the point.

i figure i made it into the top runnings with the national poetry contest how much harder can a novel be....

locked and loaded

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