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Author Topic: Bustian News Network  (Read 8764 times)

Offline Bustos

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Bustian News Network
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:35:25 AM »

Hanso had raunchy, dirty sex with the Queen in some bushes!

As reported in the Myrorian Gazette.  We bring you the real pictures catching the two engaged in the down and dirty (More pictures on pages 3-4).  You will see no censorship here!  Hanso and the Queen get down and dirty during a mild rain at this tree.

They had their driver blindfolded while holding the umbrella.  Turn to page four to see him joining the action!  And who knew Hanso was bisexual?!  Sexual therapist experts say the Queen engaged in this raw act with Hanso and the driver at this tree in Myroria as a way of expressing her repressed sexual desires.  It would also appear that the King, or any ONE man, cannot satisfy the Queen.

There was no comment from the Queen on whether Hanso and the driver gave her the complete satisfaction she so desired.

Any questions or comments, please PM me or send a telegram.  Please dont post here, thanks.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 01:39:37 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 02:33:58 PM »

Islas Filipinas becomes an Allied Protectorate

Due to political changes in the Kingdom of Islas Filipinas, the leader Supremo has asked to become a protectorate under the flag of the Allied States.  The Board and the Chairperson took their request under review.  After several months of inquiry and assessments, The Board has given their approval by a 9-3 vote.  The Chairperson has fully endorsed the protection to Islas Filipinas as they become the Allied Protectorate of Islas Filipinas.  The kingdom retains its autonomy and military with Bustian advisors and leaders by their side.

Rumors talk of a joint military base to be built in the new Allied Protectorate as well as some military deployments to the nation.  It is also expected that business opportunites and competition will be encountered in the markets as well as access to new resources.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 05:41:28 PM »

Birdman Weapons Systems Unveil New Urban Handgun

The HoMeBoY handgun is to revolutionized street fighting for gangs in foreign markets.  A representative of Birdman Weapons Systems (BWS) announced expected high demand for the urban-specific handgun in foreign cities.  Such demand is expected from street gangs wanting the most advanced and concealable handgun to outmatch the competition in drive bys, cop-killing sprees, and earning respect in their respective 'hoods.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 11:20:25 PM »

Two Billion Bustians!
Second Billionth Bustian Baby Born

On Februrary 24th at 8:34am, Bustian Time, Jack Nicholson was born to parents, Matt and Susan Nicholson.  The delivery went smoothly as the second billionth Bustian baby was born.  BNNTV kept tabs on the family and waited with them during the 10 hour labor session, updating the other 1.99 billion Bustians and the world.

Islas Filipinas' Government Collasped

The Bustian Protectorate, Islas Filipinas' government has collasped and the Bustian Protection Force (BPF) are escorting Supremo and his family to safety, who has accepted Chairperson Bustos' offer of asylum for him, his family, and remaining government personnel.  Reports say that the oppressive government pushed their people too far caused their people to revolt.  The nation currently remains in chaos and anarchy.

First Bustian Colony Created

Beyond the northern mountain range rest the first Bustian colony, The Great Tribe.  As the first colony of the Allied States, it is going to be its Jewel Colony.  Migrations between the fatherland and its colony are expected to pick up once The Great Tribe enters the modern world in the upcoming years.  Already construction projects to modernize the colony are underway.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 10:03:42 PM »

Traitor Sentenced To Death!
Rear Admiral Found Guilty Of Treason And Responisble For Death Of Supremo

Due to revolts across Islas Filipinas, Chairperson Bustos and The Board granted asylum for Supremo, Head of State of Islas Filipinas, and his family.  Enroute to the Allied States, an escort fleet carried Supremo and his family to the Allied States.  A vunerability in its fleet formation allowed a rebel-controlled military submarine to assassinate Supremo and his family.  Only the wife to Supremo's son survived the suprise missile attack.  Eight missiles were said to impact the destroyer carrying the family.

An internal military investigation, discovered that Rear Admiral Indred Dash had signed written orders for the required fleet formation of the escort fleet.  Along with finding evidence of secret transimissions between certain rebel factions in Islas Filipinas informing them of the route of the escort fleet and a bank account with several large deposits originating from Islas Filipinas brought about the court martial against the Rear Admiral.  After a week of diliberations,  Rear Admiral Indred Dash was found guilty of treason against the Allied States of Bustos-21 and its territories and sentence to death by lethal injection.  The public execution is to be carried out in two days and will be televised by BNNTV.

Possible accomplices and supporters are under investigation but Rear Admiral Indred Dash continued to proclaim innocence and revealed no further insights to who else was involved.  He is said to be the mastermind of the assassination, motivated by greed.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2007, 09:13:43 PM »

We Can Read!
Nation Hits 100% Literacy Rate

With conitnuing increases to spending on education, according to a recent census the Allied States has reached a 100% literacy rate.  Chairperson Bustos who authorized increased funding to the education department had this to say on the subject.  "I am proud of the use the money has been spent on our education system by Director Debra Lafave.  With The Board and my support and her leadership, we have made remarkable improvements."  He later joked, "I guess this means BNN will have more readers."

OOC:  100% Literacy Rate based on Sunset calculator.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2007, 06:51:47 PM »

XM8 Rifle For Sale
Bustian Military Infamous Weapon Available for Domestic and Foreign Markets

Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing announces the public sales of its famed XM8 Rifle.  The exchangeable military rifle is the eighth version of the weapon during its development, giving its name of as the XM8 Rifle.  For many years, no one outside the Bustian military could obtain one.  Today that changes with its availability now open to the public for sale at the cost of $1200.   Domestic Production Rights are currently not available for the weapon.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2007, 04:55:45 PM »

Terrorist Organization Threatens The Allied States
Blue April's Letter to the Chairperson Revealed!

To: Chairperson of The Board Christopher Bustos
From: The Friendly people of Blue April

Hello there Christopher,
I'm writing this letter a little chat with you. You see, as we are international we would like to say to you, Pull out the Great Tribe and Southern Plains or face dire consequences. The international bank, the Bustian people, friends of Bustos, partners of Bustos, the economy of Bustos, and your life all depend on your decision. Pull out of such nations and stay within your borders. We will not tolerate such Imperialism around the Taijitu.
Your Friend,
Eaquaevifri (means frozen water in Ozian)

An new terrorist organization has went public a few days ago with this letter sent to our Chairperson.  A meeting was held earlier today of The Board and the Directors sat with Chairperson Bustos to discuss possible courses of action against Blue April.  The Board has called for our military alert level to be raised to DEFCON THREE in response to step up national defenses in case of an attack by Blue April.  However, The Board has announced they are trying to arrange a meeting to find a peaceful solution before the situation escalates out of hand.  Meanwhile our government is taking no offensive action for Blue April has not committed any crimes against the people of the Allied States.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 04:07:37 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 03:32:10 PM »

Dysaniian Crime Wave
More Incoming Dysaniian Refugees Bring Crime and Poverty!

With Dysanii in constant turmoil, ever increasingly number of Dysaniian refugees have been crossing the northern Bustian-Dysaniian border seeking stability and safety.  However, with them they have brought their war.  Gun fights have been erupting in the streets between Dysaniian factions getting innocent Bustians wounded or killed.  The Police said they are prepared and have been cracking down where Dysaniian violence has erupted.  Yet many of those Bustians living in the north say they only see increasing violence and crime.

Many citizens are lobbying to close the northern Bustian-Dysaniian border to curb the influx of the Dysaniian refugees until Dysanii finally stablizies and the border can be reopened.  There has been no official comment from The Board at this time with the exception of increasing military readiness and increasing security at the northern border.  Some fear it is not enough and that the war has already spilled over into the Allied States.
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2008, 04:36:42 AM »

Chairperson Orders Bustian Military To Shoot Down Satellite
Falling Satellite Poses Threat

The Chairperson and The Board announced today that the Bustian Military is to prepare to target an aging spy satellite before it reenters the atmosphere.  They said the satellite if allowed to make its reentry, will pose a fatal threat to those who come in contact with it when it lands.  The satellite is expected to break up and cause scattered debris to hit Taijitu over several hundred miles.

A tactical missile has never been used before to target a satellite and will be done so in the next coming days.  Such missile will be fired from a Navy cruiser, with a predicted 80% chance of striking the target, before it begins its reentry.  Doing so will break the satellite into such small pieces, that a majority of which will burn up as it passes through the atmosphere, greatly reducing the debris that falls over Taijitu.

The Chairperson and The Board's primary concern is the rocket fuel that remains on board the satellite, which could cause the death of many that come in contact after its reentry.  The rocket fuel is housed in special tank, expected to survive reentry.  It is the goal of the missile to hit and destroy the tank.  Such a hit will burn up some of the fuel, if not all of it, leaving the rest to disintegrate during its passing through the atmosphere.

Director of the Office of Defense, General of the Bustian Military Jessica Rearick was quoted earlier saying, "It is the responsibility of the Allied States to make sure that our satellite poses no threat to the inhabitants of Taijitu."
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: Bustian News Network
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2008, 07:23:53 PM »

Anti-Satellite Missile A Success!
Aging Spy Satellite Struck By Tactical Missile

A tactical missile launched from a Ticonderoga Class Cruiser aimed at an aging spy satellite inbound for Taijitu's atmosphere.  Due to the volatility of the on board rocket fuel if allowed to reenter intact, Chairperson Bustos ordered its destruction at it before its reentry and gave the Military approval to use whatever means necessary.  Yesterday, the Navy fired its first ever anti-satellite missile.  A brief but bright glare in the sky followed by a visual confirmation gave proof of the missile's success.  The following picture was released by the Air Force, taken by a nearby satellite.

Many weapon opponents are calling this an excuse by the government to test its anti-satellite missile program.  The Board, backed by members of the scientific community, state that if allowed reentry with the fuel tank intact, it would be responsible for deaths across Taijitu.  As it is an Allied State satellite, it is the Allied States' responsibility to destroy the satellite.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 07:26:36 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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