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Author Topic: High Evermore Theocracy  (Read 1581 times)

Offline High Evermore

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High Evermore Theocracy
« on: February 22, 2007, 10:06:54 PM »
Capital: Denbourgh
Type of Government: Autocratic Democracy
Ruling Political Party: The High Chancellory of Vellar (120 seats) (Dark-Red)
Other parties represented in legislature: Council for Trade Affairs. (Mercantile) (50 seats) (Blue); The Evermorian Catholic Church. (Conservative) (Red) (18 seats); Terran Liberation Front. (Libertarian) (2 Seats)

(200 Seats in the Evermorian Parliament. 150 seats for Holy See elected from the Church of Evermore. 50 Seats for Denizen/Citizen Council elected from the regular people.)

Notable Cities: Denbourgh, Carrestan, Port Aria, North Aria, Castello Esse, Vellar Towne (Capital), Kenholme, Hennastrome, Nurmbren City, and The Holy City of Maesenia.

Regent: Regent Aelister Magreda(Seated: Vellar Towne)
Ministry of The Interior: Lord-Minister Earnhardt Verranicht  (Seated: Vellar Towne)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Minister Ulma Koepler  (Seated: Vellar Towne)
Ministry of Commerce: Minister Keith Erriksen (Seated: Vellar Towne)
Ministry of Religious Affairs: High Cardinal Sarah Woerner (Seated: Maesenia)
Ministry of Defence: Minister Joorgen Vellar (Seated: Vellar Towne)
Ministry of Government: Minister Henrich Van Der Craumen (Seated: Nurmbren City) 
Ministry of The Citizenry: Minister Tricia Taraneva (Seated: North Aria)
Bureau of The Law and Police: Aidile Kenneth Telnira (Seated: Carrestan)

Last Election held on 25 Feb 2007. Average Term: Appointed by Regent. (Currently lifetime command. Free election upon leader's death.)

Current Population: Approx. 122,000,000.
Posted on: January 31, 2007, 11:21:31 AM
Military Forces:

Regular Army: 16.558 Million (Due to our mandatory 2 year service program for male and females)

Troop Allocation:
Regent-Guarde: "Petasus Albii" (Regular Army) - 7,500,000.
Regent-Guarde: Temple Knight Battalions - 958,000.
Conscrips - 4,000,000.
Partisan Commandos - 3,000,000.
Officers - 1,000,000.
Non-Combat Administration/Political Officers - 100,000.

Military Police Force and Special Operations:

Police: 500,000
100 Departments with 5000 staffed each.
3000 Officers (Armed with CZ190 pistols)
550 NCO Administrative Officers
1000 Special Assault and Tactical Unit [SpAsTU] (MP5 Armaments)
450 Tactical Command Support [TacComS]

Special Operations: 561,294.
Staffing: Class Three Restricted Data -- TS, C, Q, C3 (Cross-Check Clearance)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 07:06:38 AM by High Evermore »

Offline High Evermore

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Re: High Evermore Theocracy
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 05:50:36 AM »
...A recent hostile takeover has changed political standings in High Evermore...

Offline High Evermore

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Re: High Evermore Theocracy
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 07:41:37 AM »
The Map of High Evermore

(Its made on paint. Photoshop not working ><)


Small Black Square: State Capital
Large White Square: National Capital
Black Line: State Boundaries

States and Capitals:

All states are labeled on the map with a number... this corresponds with the number listed below.

1: Esse State
Capital: Castello Esse
2: Nurmbren State
Capital: Nurmbren City
3: Jabraan State
Capital: Tulia Nova
4: Mornian State
Capital: Alecksfall
5: Denbourgh State
Capital: Denbourgh
6: Nomeran State
Capital: Numera Nova
7: Jericoh State
Capital: Nelbradis
8: Vellar Sovereign State
Capital: Vellar Towne
9: South-Western Boundary State
Capital: New Rhodes
10: Crestaan State
Capital: Carrestan
11: Orkask State
Capital: Kenholme
12: Maesinian State
Capital: Maesenia
13: Ulegask State
Capital: Hennastrome
14: Southern Boundary State
Capital: Craetor
15: Katstar State
Capital: Emera
16: South-Eastern Boundary State
Capital: Tor'Pa Peck
17: Harrisan State
Capital: Nemmoreburg
18: Heidel State
Capital: Heidelbourgh
19: Nassramach State
Capital: Machguarde
20: Imperator State
Capital: Lordis Quay
21: Arias State 
Capital: North Aria
22: Regentine State
Capital: Jourgengarde
23: Larfura State
Capital: Cote d'Rosseraien
24: Peninsular State
Capital: Bordeo
25: Navia State 
Capital: Port Aria