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News: Let us become steel shields that defend the ideals of the Glorious Revolution and Taijituan democracy!


Should Sovereign Dixie and his administration resign and elections be held?

3 (30%)
4 (40%)
Who gives a fuck?
3 (30%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: May 10, 2008, 03:41:12 AM

Author Topic: There comes a time...  (Read 2861 times)

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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There comes a time...
« on: May 03, 2008, 03:41:12 AM »
 ....When any man worth a shit has got to sit back, look at things, and say, "I was wrong."

 For me, that time is now.

 When I came to office, I had nothing but the best of intentions, I still do. There were issues at hand that seemed quite daunting, and seemed like a good opportunity to try to do things a bit differently. One could argue that what Gunner and I did was not a coup, as we were already in office, but whatever. Terminology in this case, I feel is irrelevant. We went about things in a manner which we thought would make things more lively, maybe give the region a bit of a face lift.

 It worked... for all of what? A day? Maybe?

 In any event, things did not go the way we'd wanted.

 We had our share of victories, mind you, Gates is out of TNP, due in part, I'd like to think, to our help. Our numbers are up finally, thanks to Kor, Praggie, Elu, Miller18, Silanis, and probably a few I forgot to mention.
And uh... yeah, that's about all we've got to show for it right now.

 So, here's the deal, I apologise. I honestly thought that the actions taken by my administration would create positive results, and they have not. So, I am sorry. That may not be sufficient, but that's the best I can really do, without making a long winded speech which most would just shrug off as lip service from a politician, no matter how sincere it was.

 There is currently a motion underway in the CA to resume elections at the three month interval. I support this whole heartedly, and will post my nomination of it shortly.

 I included a poll in this thread, which will be treated by me as a referendum of sorts. If the simple majority feels that I, and my administration, shall do so, and we will hold immediate elections. If not, then I will serve out the remainder of my 3 month term, which would be my preference, to try and fix things in a more...conventional... matter. Or, at least, less controversial matter.

 Anyways, that's the short and the long of it. You have your choice, and I will abide by whichever.

 It's your call.


Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: There comes a time...
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 09:55:44 AM »
There isn't much more than I can add to this, because you have put into words what we both think and what we've been talking about for a while now. Perhaps this can be a lesson for the region, perhaps we've managed to learn something from it but I know it's also possible that it has also done nothing but make way for a fruitless hostility that some of my fellow-Taijituans have displayed in the last weeks.

Despite the warning of some we wanted to give this a try and I must admit that a lot of Taijituans have trusted us with it. It is because of that trust that has been not rewarded that I feel a bit bitter about what we haven't managed to do and about how little we have succeeded to accomplish. On the other hand, a lot of that trust wasn't also followed by an active participation, and I feel we should have done more to have encouraged it.

But in front of the display of a sickened attitude, and seeing that a fair share of the active players are much more interested in a contest of humongous signatures and capitalized writing, I guess that the way we've been thinking to revitalize the region was the wrong one.

For that, I also apologize and fully support Merlin's determination to act according to the results of this 'referendum'.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Corgi

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Re: There comes a time...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 05:09:46 PM »
I am ignorant of much the preceding events in the region, but am going to feel free to put in my (unasked for) two cents.  :P

I have always respected the intentions and character of Sovereign Dixie and have come to have a similar respect for PoD Gunner.
Any game, much less region, would be lucky to have to such dedicated people involved.
I think part of the problem is that they are not aware how rare that dedication and enthusiasm is.
And since the region is not a power player region appealing only to those that want to dominate others and control everything - they bring in many players that take a more lax attitude.

That makes for a fun and inviting community.  But, it also means that your laid back people are harder to involve and keep up a sustained involvement.

As for "I was wrong" Bah.  As the old saying goes: Lead, Follow, or get out the way.  At least you did not choose the last one.

I am becoming an old cynical dog.  I have seen the rise and fall of so many worlds (game communities & companies) and that has taught me one thing.  In the end, everything has its cycle of creation and destruction.  Birth, life & death.  One must cherish the good times ~ for they are ephemeral, and remember that even virtual friends can still be good friends.

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Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows,
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'Taint no use to sit an' whine
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'--
Keep a-goin'!

Offline Meridianland

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Re: There comes a time...
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 08:11:12 PM »
There comes a time? What time is it?

I would like to thank Sovereign Dixie and PoD Gunner for caring enough about the region to try to improve it.  Taijitu is lucky to have such loyal friends and and protectors.

Right now we should all focus on doing what's best for the region as a whole.  If we pull together, with  an eye towards the game and the future integrity of our region, we should be ok. 

Taijitu's Lord High Priestess and Protector of the Region

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: There comes a time...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2008, 06:21:24 AM »
Thanks Corgi, and Meri, for your support. I have made a post in the CA regarding this. The post is somewhat the same as this, but here it is anyways, for those unable to see the Citizen assembly.

As alot of you know, I posted a thread in the Delegates office, apologising for my poor judgement in matters regarding the running of this region. Namely, the whole... well... you know.... no more constution "all ur votes are belong to us" thing... yeah...

 Anyays, I have voted for, and support the measure currently at vote to re-insitute our old delegate election schedule. I had honestly thought that a different system would bring about positive changes for the region. As I have said, I was wrong.

 I will be adhereing to the 3 month time frame. currently having served 76 days of a 90 day term. Not alot to show for, I admit, except for our numbers being up (by aboout 200 since I took office, thanks to the efforts of many recruiters).

 I have posted a referendum on whether or not I should resign immediately, and thus trigger new elections. So far the majority of those with an opinion, are for my immediate resignation, though no formal measure has been brought up in the CA to remove me. I plan on abiding by the results of that referendum.

 In light of recent hostile actions by Gatesville, I have realised a good many things about Taijitu, and I have to admit yet another mistake, that much like Gatesville seems to think, I too was under the impression that the Spirit of Taijitu had been lost. I couldn't have been more wrong.

 I do sincerely wish to serve out the remainder of my term, and to continue my position as Delegate of Taijitu. If you would like to see this happen, I ask you to please vote against my resignation, and ask those who have voted in favour of such, to please reconsider their vote. Should I be allowed to serve out the remainder of my term, I would like to hold open discussions with those in the region who have been dissatisfied, having a productive dialogue which, I hope, can effect further change, but this time change based on the consensus, not simply on what *I* think should happen.

 I ask your indulgence and forgiveness.

 Here is the topic for those who have not seen it.


Offline Miller18

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Re: There comes a time...
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2008, 02:37:17 AM »
I have only been here a year and, Tajitu is the only region I have been a citizen of, so I have come to love it as my home. I am willing to do what ever is necessary for the region to go on.
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