City Center > Zocalo

Welcome to the Zocalo!


Welcome to this new Zocalo!


Q: What is the Zocalo?

A: The Zocalo is a place for civic organizations that are neither Ministries, Corporations, or religious groups. Non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations.

Q: Does that include Political Parties?

A: Yes.

Q: Why is it called the Zocalo?

A: Zocalo means "great gathering place." Also, like "Bazaar" it sounds cool.

Q: So... why is this place special for civic organizations?

A: Civic Organizations can apply for child boards of the Zocalo to hold themselves.

Q: How can my organization apply for a child board?

A: Just by asking in the applications thread.

Q: Is it ok if do stuff with my organization in this board without having a child board?

A: Yes, feel free.

Q: Can I ask another question?

A: Shoot.

I see what Zocalo means.  What language is it from? :panda:


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