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News: The counter-revolution will soon be as dead as the Q Society!

Author Topic: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire  (Read 9706 times)

Offline Delfos

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Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« on: June 11, 2012, 05:40:33 PM »
Quote from: NS
The Issue

A fire has recently ripped through Delfingrad, destroying homes and businesses alike. Now the debate rages as to who should receive the bulk of the relief fund.
The Debate

    "The fire burned thousands of ordinary people out of house and home!" wails Ella Wu, an affected resident, "If the government doesn't help the average Joe, then what good is it at all? We need that relief fund to repair the damages! I'm sure the fat cats in the commercial district will pitch a fit, but they're the only ones who could afford enough insurance coverage."

    "Oh, the wasted money!" moans Bill Chicago, owner of Basket-case for Baskets. "It was storefronts and restaurants that bore the brunt of the fire, and they're the ones that need help now! Do you have any idea how flammable baskets are? If we don't get the relief we're entitled to, the economy is going to sink. And then where will these citizens be? In a rebuilt house without a job, that's where!”

    Alexei McAlpin, a noted anarchist, is appalled at the whole debate. "Relief fund? Giving money?! Now the government has to choose which social class to favor, and here's the big punch line, there is no right choice! We need to do away with the relief fund altogether, slash taxes and leave the people and businesses to rebuild without government meddling. Yes, there will be some 'I don't have any money' sob stories. Boo-freaking-hoo. It's not the government's job to bail them out because they failed to prepare. "

    "I always said there's an opportunity in every disaster," councils Peter Leach, your Minister of Underhanded Affairs. "We're not doing so hot in the polls right now. This fire is only going to put more of a strain on us. Now as I remember, the good ol' Minority Leader is head of the Delfingrad Oversight Committee. Let's shift the focus onto it being his screw up, have a trial by media and he'll be indicted by next week. The public will burn him at the stake instead of us!"

The Government Position

The government is preparing to dismiss this issue.

WTF, why is there some issues without a balanced option? Or the option to not favor either. I could just build an olympic stadium instead of rebuilding houses and businesses. What did you choose? What were the consequences?

Offline Letonna

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Re: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 09:18:34 PM »
Just assume a percentage of them have fire insurance and vote the 4th option

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 10:02:23 AM »
I'd pick the first option, i know how difficult it is to have a home damaged severely by fire.
Ur a towel

Offline Delfos

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Re: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 02:32:36 PM »
I would still rather make a urban park than having to pick sides.

Offline Bourbon Spirit

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Re: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 06:29:23 PM »
Anarchy! :P I do love the anarchist.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Come On Baby, Fight My Fire
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 07:40:03 PM »
He has the most compelling one of all, not choose sides, but I don't believe of a government that is oblivious to their citizen's unfortunate events, if there's something so severe that a whole neighborhood goes away with fire, or a tornado destroys factories and such, we need life going back to normal so we can have our tax payers happy and spending, social state is the only one that cares society functions at it's best to enrich the country. Either way, I dismissed the issue. There's many issues that lack a balanced option, or an option that goes in an opposite direction, idk. Not happy with those choices.