News: Post a large number of kitten macros and .gifs so that no space on the forum is left bare!
Description: Description: The Security Council;Recognizing that Versutian Federation was once a large and active region,Further recognizing that Versutian Federation was notorious for raiding Warzones,Appalled that Versutian Federation acted as a proxy for many disgraced organizations, such as NAZI EUROPE, the Greater German Reich, Macedon, The Black Riders, The Black Hawks and Allied States of EuroIslanders, all of which are condemned by this council,Noting that in conjunction with Haven, Versutian Federation was responsible for the infamous coup in The South Pacific,Further noting that Versutian Federation's coup put Milograd into the delegacy, a nation condemned twice by this council,Realizing that Versutian Federation was evacuated and locked down by force after their founder, Divair had ceased to exist,Stating that no nation should be forced against their will to leave the region that they are a native of,Further stating that all nations, native and non-native alike should be allowed to enter Versutian Federation without a password,Hereby liberates Versutian Federation.
Adding an abstain would have Jutensa abstain from voting at all in the World Assembly. It was just a miscommunication.
The poll is complete and voting stands at 4 Against, no votes For nor Abstain. Your delegate is voting this bitch down!