News: Citoyen priority warning: Not reporting counter-revolutionary activities is conspiracy to commit counter-revolution under the Anticivil Activities Act. Penalties go up to and include permanent Ecclesiastical explusion.
The Security Council,Recognizing The Holy Sakura Empire of Vandoosa Dreiundzwanzig as a raiding nation of whom holds ties to the infamous raiders bastion, The Black Riders.Reiterating that raiding has already been established by the Security Council to be damaging and counterproductive to the further development of regions and nations within those regions.Stating that raiding nations of any degree hold an equal threat to vulnerable regions who cannot defend themselves against these organized malevolent strategies.Repulsed that The Holy Sakura Empire of Vandoosa Dreiundzwanzig has clearly damaged and disrupted regions with intentions to better the status of the world through the World Assembly and have been silenced by a selfish nation who does not have intentions to better the status of the world but enforce its own agenda on others through a means of brute force, and not democracy.Appalled by the repression of regional democracy through malicious methods.Hereby Condemns The Holy Sakura Empire of Vandoosa Dreiundzwanzig.
Amongst Taijitu residents, voting is currently 15-7 (68% For).