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Author Topic: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn North Korea"  (Read 1275 times)

Offline Allama

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WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn North Korea"
« on: October 02, 2014, 04:42:51 PM »
How should your delegate respond to the following WA Security Council resolution?

Description: The Security Council,

UNDERSTANDING that North Korea is a region dedicated to the principles of "Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism, [and] Self Determination,”

NOTING that North Korea denies the freedom of speech of their members, as shown by Article 8d of their constitution, as well as banning any nation they deem to be "reactionary" from their region,

ACKNOWLEDGING North Korea’s position of anti-fascism, and it’s attempt to combat fascism has turned it into a large empire spanning almost a thousand regions indirectly connected to it, blocking others from using those region’s name merely in the name of “anti-fascism,”

RECALLING a North Korean backed raid of the region Benevolent Capitalism, a small region whose only guilt was being associated to other regions indirectly, and was unfairly raided a second time after it was noted that the Black Riders had done one before them, despite said region not being fascist in the least,

AWARE of North Korea’s recent refounding of Slavya, a long time regional community that once had up to 150 nations, had denied that region’s previous founder a chance to refound the region, securing it under their control,

APPALLED that North Korea’s sole motivation in keeping Slavya is due to their belief that freedom of speech and association shouldn’t apply to Slavyans, and that their ideas of what freedom is must be imposed on other regions under the guise of anti-fascism,

BELIEVING that by occupying Slavya, and by invading other regions in the name of "Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism, [and] Self-Determination," North Korea violates the principles that they claim they are dedicated to, and poses a threat to the international community,

Hereby CONDEMNS North Korea.

Cast your own vote on "Condemn North Korea"
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 04:31:29 PM by Allama »