
Government of Taijitu => The Ecclesia => World Assembly Proposals => Topic started by: Allama on November 11, 2014, 07:40:39 PM

Title: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Allama on November 11, 2014, 07:40:39 PM
Looks like the Security Council wants to condemn somebody this time around, including Taijitu's very own beloved "oppressor", Funkadelia.

How should I vote?

Category: Condemnation

Nominee: Lazarus (http://www.nationstates.net/region=lazarus)

Proposed by: Nephmir (http://www.nationstates.net/nation=nephmir)

The Security Council,

Recognizes Lazarus (http://www.nationstates.net/region=lazarus) as a region where newly returning nations are refounded,

States that regions of this nature and function are to uphold their duties and to remain open to all nations, ideologies, and opinions,

Identifies Lazarus as an Imperialist, Deformed Worker's State and Authoritarian Regime; the Lazarene government identifies their populace as "villagers, peasants, [and] urban workers" and its culture resembling that of a "socialist society", in which citizens' political and civil freedoms and rights are heavily restricted,

Recalls that the current Lazarene government came to power through the use of deception, fooling the citizens of Lazarus into voting them into power, upon which inspired rebellion, followed by holding the region with military force and removing the democratic government from power, banishing them without a trial or consensus of the citizens, and implementing a new socialist regime,

Concerned that despite claims made by this regime, the Lazarene government does not act upon the best interests of the people of Lazarus, simultaneously calling themselves the "People's Republic of Lazarus" despite the fact that no democratic elections have taken place; under the command of the current, oppressive World Assembly Delegate, Funkadelia (http://www.nationstates.net/nation=funkadelia), who declared itself dictator of Lazarus "until further notice", citizens that sought or expressed desires for democracy were humiliated, shunned, and permanently banned from Lazarus and its territory,

Disgusted that the Lazarene government exercises "brainwashing" tactics to maintain control over its own people and to prevent rebellion; this technique involves using false statements and propaganda to create the illusion that Lazarus is a utopian existence, and that all other regions, excluding close allies, are incompetent, incorrect, and misguided, and need to be destroyed; furthermore, Lazarus refers to themselves as "Anti-Imperialist", despite being built upon an imperialist foundation through use of imperialist means, fighting to spread their culture and using counter-intelligence to damage the public image of and often destroy regions, and corrupting its people into thinking that they are "pure Defenders",

Horrified that despite self-identifying as "Defenders", Lazarus has supported organizations actively participating in destructive tactics, often leading to the destruction of innocent regions or their communities, as well as supporting forum destruction,

Nauseated by Lazarus' intolerance, in which the Lazarene foreign policy and government exhibits civil, social, and cultural intolerance,

Concerned that Lazarus' citizens and "working class" live under a highly oppressive regime, in which civil rights are highly restricted, including but not limited to:

  • A complete disregard for freedom of speech
  • Freedom of assembly restricted to no more than groups of 26
  • Living under a secret police, which enforces all laws and watches all citizens at all times,

Angered that Lazarus constantly dismisses scientific and economic advancement, looking down upon citizens with free thought, discouraging new ideas beyond that of the advancement of the Lazarene culture and ideology,

Concerned that this destructive, manipulative, irrational, and deceptive behavior is permitted to continue unopposed by this council,

Wishing to warn nations not to approach this deceptive and dangerous region,

Hereby Condemns Lazarus (http://www.nationstates.net/region=lazarus).

Don't forget to cast your own vote on "Condemn Lazarus" (http://www.nationstates.net/page=sc)
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Khem on November 11, 2014, 10:28:22 PM
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Myroria on November 11, 2014, 11:23:42 PM
Why for? This resolution was written by a well known opponent to Lazarus' anti-imperialist agenda. Its full of patent falsehoods, most obviously the "groups of 26" clause. Furthermore, despite appearances, Lazarus operates almost entirely democratically.
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Eluvatar on November 12, 2014, 12:29:19 AM
I am opposed as it's baseless and I don't think Lazarus deserves condemnation.
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Khem on November 12, 2014, 05:14:17 AM
Why for? This resolution was written by a well known opponent to Lazarus' anti-imperialist agenda. Its full of patent falsehoods, most obviously the "groups of 26" clause. Furthermore, despite appearances, Lazarus operates almost entirely democratically.
Because I don't believe it will pass and I like screwing with Funk :P
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Funkadelia on November 14, 2014, 06:11:13 AM
Vote, O Taijitu Delegate!
Title: Re: WA Security Council Vote: "Condemn Lazarus"
Post by: Allama on November 14, 2014, 03:25:38 PM
3 Citizens wish me to Vote For, 4 Citizens wish me to Vote Against, none desire Abstention.

I hereby vote Against the WA Security Council Resolution "Condemn Lazarus"!