News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!
Total Members Voted: 5
Voting closed: June 06, 2012, 04:14:34 AM
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #89: Liberate The United Kingdom of Britain shall be struck out and rendered null and void. Argument: The Security Council,Recognising the ceased status of the founder nation within [region]The United Kingdom of Britain[/region] and the brief capture and passwording of the region by [region]The Greater German Reich[/region] (GRR),Applauding the liberation for increasing the prominence of this issue which has led to international pressure on GGR,Noting that the GGR, who previously occupied the region, were defeated by a coalition organised by [region]The Land of Kings and Emperors[/region] prior to the passage of Resolution #89, "Liberate the United Kingdom of Britain," removing the password and returning peace to the region,Realising that the liberation is no longer required as the region's protectors have restored peace to the region, and that the option of password protecting the region should be returned to the natives to allow for a community to reform,Believing that all regions have the right to self determination when their issues have been resolved,Hereby Repeals Security Council Resolution #89, "Liberate The United Kingdom of Britain."Co-authored by [nation]Onderkelkia[/nation]
Why would we want this resolution repealed?In a region like ours, passwords are only used as a weapon for destruction. In my opinion the inability to set passwords on our region is our best possible protection to future attempts of destruction.We are also afraid that the Security Counsil will not be as helpfull again the next time someone passwords our region.We should keep the resulution for the safety of The United Kingdom of Britain and in respect for the International Community that took action though the Security Council.
if a region like ours sets a password, we will simply shrink to zero, because no new nations can ever arrive. the only reason we would consider a password is to prevent an invasion. sadly no invaders announce their invasion early enough to allow us to take such measures.this means that we will never use a password for defensive reasons, and that a password will only be used by occupation armies as a powerfull offensive is not the 'tag-raids' we fear. those are harmless and will restore the region to it's normal state in just a few days. it is the destruction we saw recently that we fear and is effectively prevented by the liberation resolution.we are very thankfull for the liberation by the LKE, but next time the GGR or any other group may be more carefull with their password. maybe it's the pending resolution that made them nervous? i just want to say that we didn't have to wait the resolution to be passed because of the inability of the GGR to keep the password secret and that is not something i'd like to count on for a future attempt of destruction.