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Author Topic: Condemn Automagfreek  (Read 708 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Condemn Automagfreek
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:28:31 AM »
Category: Condemnation
Nominee: [nation]Automagfreek[/nation]
Proposed by: [nation]Unibotian WA Mission[/nation]

Quote from: Condemn Automagfreek
Description: The Security Council,

Recognizing Automagfreek as one of the most destructive and violent nations present in international incidents since its creation on March 24th, 2003,

Bearing in mind that Automagfreek often threatens nations for trivial reasons. Automagfreek blatantly threatened to “smash all that [Prekonate] held dear into total ruin” and later invaded Prekonate after receiving a diplomatic message it found “disrespectful”; similar threats were made against Kulverint and Sharfghotten,

Further bearing in mind that Automagfreek has threatened to destroy members of organizations for sharing the same name as organizations it has founded (i.e., NATO, NWO) and threatened other bidders in a United Gordonopia oil field auction,

Recalling that Automagfreek often declares war simply for the purpose of human sacrifice (often demanding an absurd number of sacrifices, e.g. “ten billion souls”) for its god of war,

Noting with regret that Automagfreek has taken a violent stance against Christianity domestically and internationally; (1) Automagfreek has ordered local Christian priests to be mutilated with swords or dragged by vehicles through urban areas, (2) Automagfreek invaded Free Missouri because of the widespread practice of Christianity within the nation, (3) Automagfreek involved itself with the Nordic Civil War to commit genocide against a Christian uprising,

Shocked by Automagfreek’s brutal torture of Father David Marcellus, a Freekish Christian leader, and of Queen Cecilia of British Londinium in the nation’s infamous torture chamber, “The Halls of the Dead;” Reports suggest that Queen Cecilia’s skull was displayed on a stake in front of the Freekish Great Hall and her body ground into dog food,

Disgusted by Automagfreek’s “Flesh for Fuel” program that used dead enemy soldiers to fuel Automagfreek military vehicles,

Understanding that the unjustified invasion of Sharfghotten was regarded as a way for Gholgoth, Automagfreek’s region, to “re-assert itself as an international powerhouse” and was deemed “The Great Crusade”,

Recognizing that Automagfreek has attempted to dominate smaller nations through the establishment of the Brimstone Pact, which, through its deceptive and devious wording and hierarchical system (designed to keep smaller nations bound by the Pact but out of its administrative positions), organized a large group of superpowers to defeat smaller imperialist nations and attempted to force new alliances to register in order to keep them within the superpowers' sphere of influence,

Mindful of the fact that, for similar reasoning, Automagfreek targeted commercial and civilian maritime traffic in and threatened to rain “suffering and death” upon member nations of “The United League of Nations” (ULN), an alliance of seventy-seven smaller nations dedicated to mutual defence, providing disaster relief, and combating terrorism,

Convinced that the history of Automagfreek as led by its “Supreme Warlord” is full of needless warmongering and genocidal activity that reveals two overarching motifs in Automagfreek’s behavior: a need to assert and continually reaffirm its superiority through bloodshed and violent religious beliefs,

Hereby Condemns Automagfreek.

Co-authored by [nation]A mean old man[/nation].

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Condemn Automagfreek
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 01:44:57 AM »
I have cast a provisional vote of for.