Commend Unibot II
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
Category: Commendation
Nominee: Unibot II
Proposed by: Mahaj WA Seat
Description: The Security Council,
IDENTIFYING the nation of Unibot II as the successor to the now defunct state of Unibot as well as the nation behind the puppet state of Unibotian WA Mission and a variety of other puppet states, and that Unibot II is frequently referred to simply as 'Unibot',
COGNIZANT that Unibot played a role in the furtherment of the idea, which was eventually implemented, of the two WA chambers operating as they do, with independent voting and separate proposal queues,
RECOGNIZING the vast success of Unibot in both branches of the World Assembly, the General Assembly and the Security Council, including authoring 8 GA resolutions with 1 coauthored and authoring 13 SC resolutions with 4 coauthored,
APPLAUDING Unibot for writing resolutions to address concerns such as care of the mentally ill, nautical pilotage, forced disappearances, and the protection of outer space,
RECOGNIZING Unibot as one of the pioneers of the Security Council, including authoring a commendation of Starblaydia for sporting achievements, a Commendation for The Cat Tribe for general debating, a condemnation for Greater Tezridan for international incidents, a condemnation for Flag Thief, and a Liberation for Greece,
NOTING that Unibot was one of the main proponents of Liberation Resolutions as a method of conflict resolution for defenders and not simply a tool for the worst of the worst situations such as what once was in Belgium, and consequently Unibot has helped restore native communities via a Liberation Resolution six times,
ACKNOWLEDGING Unibot as one of the premier defenders of this modern era in NationStates, in terms of skill, leadership, and strategy,
RECOGNIZING Unibot as the creator of the United Defenders League, a defense organization based on a concept of individual nations as opposed to regions comprising the organization, and an organization which has quickly became one of the premier defending organizations in NationStates,
REALIZING Unibot is the founder of Eastern Islands of Dharma, which has developed into the premier WA-centric region of NationStates and home to numerous resolution authors,
APPLAUDING the many scholarly works emnating from Unibot, including an analysis of NationStates generations, a refurbished document containing advice to budding nation creators regarding achieving a certain World Census category, and a list of common prayers to the almighty god of our humble multiverse, violet,
BELIEVING that with all the accomplishments of Unibot, a commendation is long overdue,
Hereby, with all the accomplishments of Unibot being considered, Commends Unibot II.