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Author Topic: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria  (Read 631 times)

Offline Lisa D

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Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« on: February 25, 2007, 02:05:52 AM »
Hi and hello there!

Dupretoria is a young, liberal to the point of kooky, nation. We got a whole bunch of region invites but Taijitu was the only friendly one. (How sad for the rest of the world that they are not as happy as we  :drunks: :taijitu:) Sorry it took us so long to post our collective howdy, but we tend to make a lot of our decisions by consensus, so it takes us a while to get anything done.

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 02:54:46 AM »
Hi, and welcome to Taijitu.  May your stay be long and enjoyable.

Now, a personal question, and one that interests me greatly; is there any substance to that "pinko," or is it just something you threw in there?  I'm very interested in knowing... ;)

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Offline Lisa D

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 03:11:51 AM »
Good question, and my incredibly specific answer is: yes and no ;D

The Nation of Dupretoria is pretty gosh darned socialist in its tendencies--lots of government programs, really high taxes ect--but isn't actually communist in its operation.

I have been called a pinko so many times that I've decided to embrace it and where I go the people of Dupretoria follow (which creates some pretty long lines at Dunkin' Donuts, lemme tell ya)

Personally, I decided to respond to the issues reasonably close to the way that I would respond to them in real life, which has led to my nation being very lefty, socially progressive, environmentally conscious, peaceful, and of course cuddly.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 03:15:29 AM by Lisa D »

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 03:23:30 AM »
Aw, nuts, I was hoping for...well, you know what I was hoping for.  But never mind me.  I'm insane. O:-)

Once again, welcome to Taijitu.

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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 03:24:05 AM »
As Minister of the Community, I would like to welcome you warm-heartedly to Taijitu Lisa D :)

You might be interested in some of the following...

Office of the Minister of the Community If you are at any time lost, have any questions, or need help, have a complaintthis is the place to go. I will be more than happy to assist you in whatever way I can.

Games: An urge to spam? Just need something to do while you wile away the minutes? Then the game thread is the place for you. Especially useful for building up your post count.

Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs: This is where you want to go if you wish to obtain a Taijitu citizenship. Very simple to obtain, and very much something that you want to obtain if you wish to pursue and ever more in depth approach to Taijitu. In particular, it opens the way to Taijitu’s political realm, and affords you certain rights and privelages.

The Senate: The heart of Taijitu politics and legislation, it is open to any that have met some rather simple requirements. If you have held citizenship for fifteen days, you can apply for membership in the Senate.

And one of my personal favorites to finish...

Roleplay: Perhaps one of the best I know of in NS, it’s worth checking out if you are so inclined. And don’t forget that wonderful map which Oz has blessed us with. Just remember: you need to have 30 posts, provide a link to your nation, and give coordinates.

I hope that’s enough to get you on your feet and started, but if there is any questions you have, any help you need, don’t hesitate to ask. I am more than willing to help :D

Offline Ryazania

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 03:25:45 AM »
Don't pay attention to the commie.

Anyway, I'm glad you chose Taijitu. Hope you have a great time here! As soon as you are certified as a citizen, join the army!
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When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control.

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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 04:34:45 AM »
Hello and Welcome to Taijitu!

And yes I would be happy to see you join any of our wings of participation, from the Army to the Role Play to the Senate to the Recruitment Corps. Or even more than one! :D
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Re: Greetings from The Pinko Paradise of Dupretoria
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 01:19:04 AM »
Hello and Welcome!