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News: Let us become steel shields that defend the ideals of the Glorious Revolution and Taijituan democracy!

Author Topic: Ambassador of the Yellowstone  (Read 1958 times)

Offline Yellowstone Valley

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Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« on: January 05, 2007, 12:31:34 AM »
Hello all.

Well... another message board.  How exciting.  I recommend a buttload more emoticons tho!  LOL!!!

I just want to wish you all good luck in forming your region.  I'm going to be up front and say that I will not be part of it, not because of anything other than NationStates had worn me down a long time ago, and I already know I cannot stay here.  I might amble around a bit...maybe see what I can do in RP. 

But this is a brand new region full of possibilities, challenges, temptations, and ideals.  Although I don't know all of the details and I do not wish to take any sides, I do not blame you in the least for breaking away.  It appears that democracy is an ideal you uphold here as sancrosanct.  If that is the case, then do everything you can to foster that. 

What the founders of your former home had were their own ideals of what their region ought to be.  When that vision was in danger, they acted.  It is their right.  It is their region and their rules.  The leader of the founders of that region based the region on a business model with a specific vision in mind.  I'm not turning this into a capitalist vs. socialist discussion, but businesses are not based on democracy.  You have a boss.  The boss gets to make the calls.  Sometimes there's a board to remove the boss, but, ultimately, there's always a boss over the ones who exist there.  Again, in a business setting, that may be necessary in order to make quick decisions.  For a country or organization whose top ideal is democracy, though, I wouldn't recommend it.

It takes a type of maturity to allow a democracy.  In the world of systems administrators and moderators, power is not yet avialable to the people to make decisions.  Wikipedia is the first I've ever seen, but even that has its share of people in power over the people.  Democracy is very difficult and messy.  It takes talk, compromise, more talk, debate, talk, argument, talk, and ...um... talk.  In other words, if you hold democracy as your ideal, you have to be willing to let the elected government do its thing, even if you don't like it.  Your former boss found the new government threatening to his vision, despite it being popularly elected by the people.  Instead of following the rule of law and seeking impeachment, he took control.  All of this, I understand, after he had voluntarily left and vowed no more to have a hand in the regional politics.

My friends, the road ahead will be exciting and full of ideals.  There is a time for forging ahead, and a time of forgiveness.  There is a time to embrace new friends and new ways, but there are also those whose intentions may not be honorable.  Your former boss had powerful enemies.  I've never trusted the saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  I do not wish to sow any seeds of suspicion, in the least.  I'm just councilling to know one another...respect one another despite the differences you may already have.  Do not let the excitement and ideals cloud the fact that, on another computer screen just like yours miles away is another human being with thoughts, dreams, and feelings of their own.  Laws can and should change.

If I were still in NationStates, I am not sure what I would do.  But that is a moot point as there are those bridges I have already burnt with the Powers-That-Be.  I will probably not be able to join your region within the NS game, but I would like to let you know that my best wishes and hopes are with you.  I have many friends here...too many to name.  I do miss you all.  But there is a time when things must be put down, and the Wanderer must continue on.  It is hard to explain, but whatever tugs at my feet (virtual or otherwise) never lets me rest.  I would be honored if I could find rest here on occasion, though.  ...even in the form of an exciting RP session.

Take care my friends.  I'll think of you always with fondness.

--Donovan/Yellowstone Valley/Nachiush/Kelman Winters...etc.


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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 12:37:02 AM »
Hey YV. Shame you don't feel up to joining in NS but you're welcome to chill here whenever you want to and any RP's you fancy doing would be greatly recieved I'm sure!

Offline Baltija

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 01:04:59 AM »
Hello! Sad that you can't join us. Best of luck for you and Celtic Queen (sorry forgot her name, I always refered to her as CQ :-\)

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2007, 01:40:13 AM »
Thank you Donovan and best of luck to you as well!
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 01:44:37 AM »
May ye be well, where ever ye goest to.

Offline Yellowstone Valley

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 05:08:23 AM »
It's mostly NationStates that I have a problem with.

Think I'll stick around a while, though.  Day.  Two.  Maybe more.

*pulls up comfy chair*


Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 05:27:42 AM »

Time to get out the evil mind control device to make you stay! :D
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Offline Bustos

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 05:50:15 AM »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

Brought to you by Bustos

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2007, 06:56:07 AM »

 Great to see you my friend! *hugs*

  I understand fully what you're saying, though in RL i'm anything but socialist, I *am* and RL libertarian, without the economic aspect being translated into NS Regional Manaement, that just leaves the civil liberties aspect, so, I guess you could say I'm a decent way over to the left in terms of NS politics.
 Do what you will, harm no one.

 I full well understand you're grief with NS. I can't say as I blame you one damn bit! But you're presence here on this forum, is a massive benifit in and of itself. Your wit, wisdom, and humour are second to none. Your RP is spectacular, and just the fact that you are willing to post in it, is an honour. Please feel free to make this your new RP home, and post your thoughts, ideas, and wisdom where ever you have the urge to do so.

  Regardless of you're involvement in the NS aspect of things, your involvement in our community carries a benifit beyond the quantification of nations and regions and endorsements. I am overjoyed to see you here.

 Welcome again!

Offline kor

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2007, 07:01:10 AM »
Hello and good luck in whatever you choose to do!

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2007, 02:39:46 AM »
Why don't I look through these more often?

Well, Donovan (you have too many names!  I don't know what to call you!) SD said basically what I was going to; that the forum is in many ways the heart of the region, where we can chat without it being erased, spam without it being punished, and generally goof off to our hearts' content.  And maybe have a little debate every now and then.

That said, joining the forum, not the region, is a far greater service, and deserves far more credit and thanks.  I and everyone here sends that thanks out to you.  Only, we can't digitize it, so you'll have to adjust your receptor to recieve from all around the world.

I'm glad you are at least staying for RP, and hopefully we won't have to ping you when an interesting RL-related debate comes up.  Your RP's not the only thing that's unparalleled.  You are, if I may say so, a better conciliatator than Clay, and without being a capitalist pig;)  Passions need cooling, and too many of us are too hotheaded to really care.  Plus, you sometimes manage to articulate an actual point. ;D

If you stick around, you are welcome.  If you decide to leave, remember that you have friends here.

Give my regards to April.

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Offline Romanar

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2007, 02:47:35 AM »
I second what G-C said!  You're always welcome here, YV!

Offline The G Rebellion

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2007, 02:49:23 AM »
Y'know, I forgot what YV's thread was called and when I saw "Ambassador of the ye..." I thought someone was giving me an award... :P

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2007, 04:11:04 AM »
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Offline Yellowstone Valley

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Re: Ambassador of the Yellowstone
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2007, 05:03:19 AM »

Time to get out the evil mind control device to make you stay! :D

Can't...resist...mind...control...device...  ...set...it...to...RP...