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Fallout 4

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--- Quote ---Ah well, it should arrive today at least. I'm pretty sure the extra wait and hassle will be worth it.

--- End quote ---

What is the need for a headset to play Fallout?

Also, I played this for about an hour or so thus morning before work.  I am not a graphics guy, for some reason.  Being able to tell the difference between Xbox and PS is always a game of spot the differences for me. But these graphics are amazing!  Really nice quality and detail and textures.

Mind you, this was all pre-war and then in vault 111.  So I wonder if it will carry through to the dystopian future.

It's weird having your character SAY stuff, but I like the Mass Effect like dialogue system.  So far, am not a fan of characters not locking into place when you start a dialogue. Hard to know which NPCs are important without it. More realistic though I suppose... we'll see.

As I saved, the Vault door was in the process of opening.  Excited to get put there!

Say. would anyone be interested in a thread where I "narrate" my experiences?  If so, I'd be happy to do it, if only to have a reason to get off the couch, lol.


--- Quote from: bigbaldben on November 10, 2015, 12:09:53 PM ---Say. would anyone be interested in a thread where I "narrate" my experiences?  If so, I'd be happy to do it, if only to have a reason to get off the couch, lol.

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The Empire:
Well, the need for the headset is mainly for other games like Armored Warfare and such but the thing is, a pair of old desktop multimedia speakers from the mid 90'ies is NOT acceptable to me for playing an adventure game where things like deathclaws or even mole rats or raiders could attack from any direction.
Thus once I started playing with a 3D surround headset that shuts out real world sounds in addition to providing an accurate spatial sound awareness has become my desired standard.

St Oz:

RESURRECTION LARRY, planned brawler? NOW DUSTER-HERO RANGER-SNIPER LADY. It's funny how you can plan something in the game but then some style takes over you did not expect. So now I'm updating my agility and perception like my character has some GOD DAMNED STORY ARC OR SOMETHING. Seriously this game is great.

So fuck the main story, I can't wait for a randomized start mod or something, because this game would be so much more fun if you just started out as a prisoner in Boston or something, who knows, I just love exploring this game. Everything has meaning now. Every single item can be salvaged, it's no longer about staring at the caps value of everything, fuck that, build your settlement, feed the people, be like mayor-bro of the tiny village you're creating. I LOVE THAT WHEN I GO FORAGING IN THE SAME AREA DIFFERENT PEOPLE ARE THERE IN DIFFERENT SETTLED POSITIONS AND I CAN GET INTO FIREFIGHTS

Seriously I started out kinda bleh about the game, like okay here we go, what am I going to hate. Then I picked up some guns, was going through the motion, FOUND OUT I COULD MODIFY ALL THESE GUNS INTO A SNIPER RIFLE RIGHT OFF THE BAT?! WHAT? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I now run around the woods in a duster and cowboy hat and sniper and just go all the stranger everywhere I go. :| This game let's you be whoever you want to be, this probably isn't how most people play but I'm so glad they have it as an option.

You are super excited.

This "beginners" guide seems quite good:


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