Accessible Family Planning
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Lady Deathstrike
Description: Concerned that staggering population growth could pose serious economic problems, especially in developing nations;
Convinced that sensible family-planning policies are essential for controlling national birthrates, preventing unmanageable population increases, and ensuring the health and well-being of young families;
Acknowledging that low-income families may lack access to effective birth-control products or information on family planning services, and that lack of such products, information or services may result in greater poverty levels as low-income families continue to produce children they cannot afford;
Observing that member nations may restrict or outlaw access to certain birth-control methods that may help families prevent unwanted pregnancies;
Defining, for the purpose of this resolution, "family planning" as pertaining to a product or service for regulating the number and spacing of children in a family.
This Assembly hereby declares its commitment to supporting family-planning programs in member nations by enacting the following:
The United Nations;
1. Affirms the right of individuals to access information regarding family-planning services and birth-control methods, and to leave their home nations freely without unreasonable hindrance to obtain family-planning services that are outlawed domestically;
2. Strongly urges member states to lend support to domestic agencies and programs providing information and services for family planning;
3. Encourages nations to permit aid disbursements to be used for the development of such services;
4. Strongly encourages member states to establish programs helping low-income families obtain legal family-planning services that are beyond their financial means;
5. Requests that nations provide incentives to domestic companies, agencies and programs to supply discounts and financial assistance for low-income families seeking family-planning services.
Votes For: 4,810
Votes Against: 2,015
[Delegate Votes]
Voting Ends: Wed Aug 15 2007
Jolt Forum Debate Thread on ResolutionTotal Votes: For: - Against: -