Welcome to Theta Pi Tai, the first and only fraternity house of Taijitu! You may ask me, after the obvious statement "Nice toga Myroria", how you may get one of your own, and what else you'd get for being in this great fraternity. Well, here's just a small list of the perks you get from joining Theta Pi Tai:
- A place where you can be as rowdy and generally a nuisance to the more pragmatic people as you want.
- If you're a girl, your very own room in the attached sorority house.
- If you're a guy, your very own room in the fraternity house.
- A private sub-forum for you to gossip about those not in Theta Pi Tai. Those idiots.
- A bowl for condoms and/or diaphragms. You will be needing these because once you join Theta Pi Tai, you are one of the coolest shits in the region.
- A closet for your weed and/or acid.
- A vault for your heroin and/or other drugs you must be stupid to do.
- An obnoxious logo for you to put into your signature that certifies you as a member of Theta Pi Tai, and one of the coolest shits in the region. Well, I need to
pay someone to make this first. But you'll get it eventually.
- If you're into 'alternative lifestyles'
like PUR, a small room on a hill for your homoerotic delights.
- A toga. Choose your color.
We have two rules, however:
Try not to gangrape people, this ruins our reputation. If you absolutely must, make sure you use extra Mickeys so we don't get caught.
Don't harass people more than a real frat boy would harass a normal student.
This is our roster of people. If you signed the petition in the café, you're on this. Why you would push to have this made if you weren't going to use it, I don't know, but if you want to leave just tell me.