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Author Topic: Petition to the court  (Read 1465 times)

Offline Flemingovia

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Petition to the court
« on: November 11, 2007, 04:19:12 PM »
I am not sure whether the court is the right place to ask this, but it seems like a judicial matter.

I would like to petition the court to make a player ban-on-sight in the Taijitu chat room.

Back in October, a Gatesville trooper identifying himself as "whygodwhy" came regularly onto #Taijitu. During his stay, he posted a log of a private conversation with me on the file sharing site mediafire, and posted URL on the taijitu chat channel. Unfortunately, he also posted my private computer details, IP address etc.

When challenged on this, he first agreed to remove the file, then claimed that he could not remove the file, then claimed to have sent off two support tickets asking for the file to be removed, then claimed that he needed to confirm something with Mediafile, then claimed to have sent off another ticket. That was weeks ago - the file is still there, and still downloadable.

Those who were on the channel will know of the RL trouble this has caused me. My computer is used for both work and home use, and my boss is paranoid about computer security. This incident has done me considerable real life harm, and I now believe that whygodwhy, for whatever reason, lied about his attempts and ability to remove the file. I can see no reason why it should still be there weeks later.

I now accept that nothing can be done about the file. I have sent in a support ticket myself, but the gods of Mediafile say that only the person who posted the file can cause it's removal.

However, I do feel that, for the protection of others, whygodwhy should be ban on sight in the chat channel.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 04:22:01 PM by Flemingovia »

Offline Meridianland

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Re: Petition to the court
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 05:21:56 PM »
That really sucks, Flem.  How awful.

But the court has no jurisdiction over IRC. 

You have to email the channel admin people.  I'm sure if you ask Khab, she will be happy to give you the addy.  She loves to give it out. Or you could always try talking to them in person.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 05:26:03 PM by Laura Bush »

Taijitu's Lord High Priestess and Protector of the Region