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Author Topic: Myroria v. Delfos  (Read 4958 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Myroria v. Delfos
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:43:50 PM »
I, Garth Ebner/Myroria, do file a complaint against Delfos due to their violation of Article 1, Section 3 in sending IRC logs to other members against my consent which was to my detriment because my privacy was violated.

This Court will now be hearing this case. Both the Prosecutor and the Defendant have 5 days in which to appear before this Court and make their opening statements.

Note: posting in this thread by any one other than the relevant parties will not be tolerated.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 01:40:24 AM »
Who are the justices involved in this trial?

Offline Myroria

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 01:51:13 AM »
On the twenty-first of January, I recieved a PM from Limitless Events that showed a log of events on the twenty-third of December. Would it help the case if I tearfully said that my grandfather died the next day, clearly of this flagrant violation of the constitution? Cry cry cry.

<Limi|away> this is strange, there are gaps in the admin logs
<Limi|away> which means I'm going to have to look at the thing every single day from now on

When questioned in private:
Session Start: Sun Dec 23 20:25:18 2007
[20:36] <Limi> they're often gaps dealing iwth things ending up in the landfill and no record of who did it
[20:46] -agent-
[20:46] -agent-
[20:47] <Limi> its not in regards to the Govindia case
[20:53] -agent-
[20:54] -agent-
[20:54] <Limi> its not going to happen since a very large majority of posts are in regard to RP
[20:54] -agent-
[20:57] <Limi> but I have an idea about who's doing it and in a day I can see if I'm right

This is a solid proof for the admin abuse case, but prooves "a very large majority of posts are in regard to RP", which means it happened in other parts of the forum. And I witnessed some outside of RP, this is just to say some posts can be deleted in regards of Govindia because these administrators are able to do it.

Korinn in private after asked to unban the undercover agent:
[23:24] <Korinn> I banned you because I believe you are someone that is avoiing a ban
[23:24] <Korinn> I am tempted to ban you from TWPs channel
[00:48] -agent-
[00:48] -agent-
[00:48] <Korinn> You're unbanned. Mistaken identity
[00:54] -agent- I notice there's some bans on a Govindia
[00:55] -agent-
[00:55] <Korinn> Yeah. I thought hewas using a proxy.
[00:56] -agent-
[00:57] <Korinn> I didn't know that
[01:17] -agent- Why is he banned anyway?
[01:17] -agent-
[01:17] <Korinn> No
[01:18] <Korinn> He was very disruptive. He insulted nearly everyone and alaways started fighting in the channel
[01:18] <Korinn> always*

Session Start: Tue Dec 25 00:48:51 2007
[00:48] *** Now talking in #taijitu
[03:55] <Korinn> I'm rather sad the defense team in the Gov trial had nothing slanderous to say about me.
[03:55] <Korinn> I was hoping for it, but nothing
[03:55] <Korinn> Must be because I'm perfect ^_^
[03:55] <Myroria> PoD had several things to say about me
[03:55] <Myroria> But I don't care because
[03:55] <Myroria> I'm rooting for him.
[03:55] <Korinn> lol
[03:57] <Korinn> Soly's testimony is such a BS statement. It's so loaded with hiden sarcasm.
[03:57] <Korinn> hidden*
[03:59] <Myroria> Like all the crap he shoots out

[04:12] <Korinn> Korinn, while not officially on the prosecution, has obviously been working on the prosecution, thus giving a hint of bias in his testimony as well.
[04:13] <Korinn> That's all they got
[04:13] <Korinn> Sad
[04:13] <Korinn> And so wrong
[04:13] <Korinn> They fail at trials
[04:14] <Korinn> And my bias is the fact that I know shit about Gov
[04:22] -agent-
[04:22] -agent-
[04:24] <Korinn> Because I have something called loyalty. There were certain things I was asked to not discuss.
[04:25] -agent-
[04:25] <Korinn> I did.
[04:26] <Korinn> I just held back what I coul've said
[04:26] <Korinn> They assume I was partof the prosecution.
[04:27] -agent-
[04:27] -agent-
[04:28] <Korinn> Which is false. I was helping him by researching how other NS trials were held That's it. I had no part in the rest
[04:38] <Limi> Gov thinks that security clearence he got is something special
[04:38] <Limi> they're extremely easy to get
[04:40] <Limi> and mine's better <_<
[04:42] <Limi> considering most of what they do is see if you have any contact with people outside the country
[04:42] -agent-
[04:42] <Limi> he was referring to the one he got in RL
[04:44] -agent-
[04:44] -agent-
[05:00] <Korinn> Quote from Gov's statement: To quote Batman Begins, "people fear what they don’t understand."
[05:00] <Korinn> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[05:00] <Korinn> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[05:01] <Korinn> Oh shit that's funny
[05:01] <ofcrazed> LOLOLOL
[05:03] <Korinn> Oh man, his statement is so quotable and lulzy
[05:03] <Korinn> "I have seen poor Barakarin mistreated poorly even though he doesn’t understand a few things, and others."
[05:03] <Korinn> Bara likes it
[05:03] <Korinn> It's a running joke
[05:04] <Korinn> Gov is so clueless as to what happens in this region
[05:05] <Korinn> LOL, and he's such a hypocrite
[05:05] <Korinn> He bitches about people being trolls in his statement, while his statement is one long troll
[05:05] <Korinn> Lulzy to the max
[05:06] <Korinn> "Very few people have given me a reasonable chance to show I am a friendly person"
[05:06] <Korinn> LOLOLOLOL
[05:07] <Korinn> Oh fuck, It's killing me.
[05:08] <ofcrazed> hahahahaha
[05:09] <ofcrazed> Kor if you dont make a parody thread I will be sad
[05:09] <Korinn> lol
[05:12] <Korinn> It's funny how he doesn't metion that the whole time this "discrimination" was going on, he constatnly insulted other peoples lifestyle. Or how only he was right on every subject.
[05:12] <Korinn> constantly*

The exact context this was used in was to allow Delfos to provide evidence of a non-existant mafia or cabal among the founders. Apparently my separate grievances against my fellow founders was not enough to convince him that I was not part of some cabal. Shall I include Delfos' conclusion following the log?

To clear things up, the log was provided with this "conclusion" after it. It was only afterwards I was informed of this by Limitless Events.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 02:17:12 AM »
Defense wishes to present an inquiry as to how this evidence came to be acquired by Limitless Events to begin with.
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 02:34:47 AM »
I will be the Justice for this trial.

As both parties have shown, I believe we can continue.

To Xyrael's query on the behalf of Delfos: I would imagine he logged the IRC channel. The question though doesn't seem relevant to the matter at hand.

To Myroria, I would like to ask a question. You say that you received this IRC log from Limi. Yet you are here to sue Delfos for distributing this log, not Limi. Can you provide evidence that Delfos, rather than Limi, distributed this IRC Log without your persmission?

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2008, 02:58:52 AM »
I do not recognize this trial with the current justices to be a fair one, I would like a neutral justice member to attend this trial.

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2008, 03:08:51 AM »
The trial will continue as is; I am fully confident in my ability to rule fairly and impartially.

Besides, the way I see it, if any disagreements I've had with you in the past really do automatically make me biased against you, then I''d be just as biased against Myroria. I've had just as many if not more spats with him. The net result would be that neither of you would have any special favor versus the other in my eyes, that is to say I'd still be neutral anyway.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 03:12:02 AM by Cornelius Snuffles »

Offline Limitless Events

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2008, 03:13:35 AM »
I came across this PM while searching through the database to discover if anyone had been indeed been deleting posts and abusing admin powers after Delfos brought the issue to my attention. The PM in question was sent using the account name of "CILT", which has since been banned, and contained logs that occurred during the time the nick of cilt_eye was in the IRC channel #taijitu . This nick used the IP of Delfos' account and upon tracing the IP of the account CILT it was discovered to originate from the same area as Delfos. The PM sent from the account CILT was sent to the accounts of Delfos and Gallipoli-China; The conclusion stated at the end of the PM was sent to Osafune.

To further the connection that the account CILT is also Delfos PMs were sent by Delfos to Gallipoli-China ocncerning the "investigation" after the account in question was banned.

I later informed those in the log to find out if they had given permission for the log in question to be distributed and if not, whether or not they wished to press charges.
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2008, 03:16:45 AM »
Thank you Limi.

Delfos: Did  you indeed use the account CILT to distribute this log to Gallipoli-China without the permission of Myroria as Limi has indicated?

Also, additionally, Limi: can you provide a date for when the material in question was distributed by PM?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 03:19:18 AM by Cornelius Snuffles »

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2008, 03:26:34 AM »
According to the Laws of Taijitu, Article One Section Two states that:

2. The dissemination of private materials of any Citizen of Taijitu as defined in Section 3 of this article shall be forbidden, excepting where authorized by that Citizen or Citizens, or by a warrant of the Supreme Court of Taijitu issued on probable cause.

Was Limi authorized by the Supreme Court of Taijitu to access the PM's of the account in question based on probable cause of administration power abuse?
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2008, 03:38:56 AM »
That is not what this trial is for. If you believe Limi has broken the law please bring it up in another trial. We are here to hear Myroria's case against Delfos.

Offline Limitless Events

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2008, 03:46:12 AM »
The PM was sent approximately 65 days ago. Finding the exact time it was sent is way more trouble than I wish to go through right now.

As for my viewing of the PM I suggest that you do not use a proxy account to send message when the same name is used by you on IRC with your actual IP and then start the message with phrases such as: "#taijitu", "EsperNet", or "Limi|away"

As for going to look into the PMs in the first place, as a root admin if it is brought to my attention that one of the admins is abusing their powers I have every right to search for evidence to back up the accusation in order to protect the forum
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2008, 04:02:04 AM »
If this was sent in a private message between three(two) parties, then it was sent on the premise that this information would be kept private, and not made public.

As Gallipoli-China was a Justice at the time, it appears to me that the intent was to provide evidence for an investigation into admins, and not to disseminate private information to the public forum as Myroria claims.

In order to disseminate evidence about this "conspiracy theory", Delfos would have needed to make this information widely public to tarnish the name of Myroria and others. This evidence only came to light through the investigation of Private Messages by Limitless Events.

edit: My assumption has been confirmed by Delfos. That was indeed his intent, therefore not heresay.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 04:08:25 AM by Xyrael »
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2008, 04:10:37 AM »
Limitless Events has the authority, as per the forum's terms of agreement, to in extraordinary situations search through Private Messages: he has done nothing wrong. More importantly that is not the issue here. I will not allow any further discussion of this separate issue in this trial from now on.

And even if it was given to G-C solely with the intent of aiding some investigation it was nonetheless distributing an IRC log without the permission of one of those involved.

So, to repeat my question.

Delfos: Did  you indeed use the account CILT to distribute this log to Gallipoli-China without the permission of Myroria as Limi has indicated? And if you did did you have a warrant issued by the Court to do so? I expect an answer.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: Myroria v. Delfos
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2008, 05:56:19 AM »
Delfos has refused to speak at this trial, and has asked for me to do so in his stead. In the event that my forwarding of his thoughts is insufficient, I will urge my client to come forward himself. If not necessary, I speak on his behalf as per his request.

Delfos, using CILT, did send the log in question to Gallipoli-China on the 25th of December GMT. However, Delfos was unaware that he was committing a crime at the time of this action. Delfos was involved as a witness for the Defense in the Govindia case. Under the personal request of Gallipoli-China via MSN, Delfos was asked to provide evidence he said he had saved for two days to Gallipoli-China. Read the log dates as evidence, logs were taken from the 23rd and 25th of December. The message was sent at approximately 7-8am GMT if I am to presume the last active as the time of messaging. As you can clearly see, the log is clearly intended for use in the Govindia case, as each snippet relates to 'gov' in some way.

Not fully understanding the laws and proceedings of court cases, indeed unaware of the location of the Laws of Taijitu, my client went with the perception of real world law as similar to Taijitu Forum law and wanted to do something good for someone he perceived to be a fellow Taiji. My client presumed that as the statements made by the Prosecution were made in a public IRC easily accessible through publically available links available to citizens and non-citizens alike that any information to be forwarded to Gallipoli-China as per his request would be legal. The necessity for a warrant was not stressed to the client by the Justice, a trusted representative of the community and overseer of the trial to which this log pertained. The responsibility for my clients err is in the negligence and bias of the Justice in handling the court case, and not in the intentional will to break the law.

Proof of the Justice's bias is in the consistent and persistent inactivity to date of Gallipoli-China to date since the 28th of January on both the forum and MSN. This is a mere 10 days after the flames of the Govindia case settled. Gallipoli-China confided in me in private that the Govindia case disenchanted him, and made him believe that "Taijitu is no better than the Lexicon."
I have become, again and again.