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Procedures of the Progressive PartyI: Election Procedures1. Following the conclusion of the regular election of the Delegate of Taijitu nominations for the Regional Committee shall be opened for the duration of a week. Any member of the Party who either announces their own candidacy or who is nominated by another member of the Party and accepts the nomination shall be considered a candidate for the Regional Committee.2. Following the conclusion of nominations for the Regional Committee all candidates shall be given a week's time in which to campaign for the Regional Committee.3. Following the conclusion of campaigning voting shall begin and last for the duration of a week.II: Spot Election Procedures1. If at any time the Regional Committee consists of less than 3 members a spot election shall be held to elect as many members as is necessary to ensure that the Regional Committee consists of at least three members.2. Nominations for the Regional Committee shall be opened for the duration of a week. Any member of the Party who either announces their own candidacy or who is nominated by another member of the Party and accepts the nomination shall be considered a candidate for the Regional Committee. Within this same week candidates may also campaign.3. Following the conclusion of nominations and campaigning voting shall begin and last for the duration of a week.III: Voting Methodology1. Members shall cast their votes by ranking candidates in their order of preference.2. A Condorcet winner set shall be considered the smallest number of candidates who in defeat all other candidates outside of the set in pairwise contests.3. To determine the victors of the election, the Condorcet winner set shall be found and elected to the Regional Committee if the set does not exceed the number of seats to be filled. They shall be then be eliminated from the ballots, and the new Condorcet winner set shall be found and elected to the Regional Committee. This process shall be repeated recursively until enough victors have been found to fill the Regional Committee.4. If the Condorcet winner set exceeds the number of seats to be filled and the Condorcet winner set is a circular ambiguity the ambiguity shall be broken by removing the weakest loss and a new Condorcet winner set shall be found. If no weakest loss exists or if the Condorcet winner set's candidates have instead tied one another in their pairwise contests as many of the Condorcet winner set as is necessary to reduce the size of the Condorcet winner set to the number of seats to be filled shall be eliminated at random.IV: Amendments1. The Regional Committee may amend this document with the support of a majority of its members, and they may not amend section two of this Article.2. If a quarter of the Party's member's support petition to amend this document a vote shall be held by the Party at large and if a majority express their support the proposed amendment shall be implemented.