Section One,Concerning The Party:§1 The Party is Awesome. Everything that is a part of the Party is automatically Awesome as well and if the Party decides that someone outside It is Awesome, they are.
§2The Party, in all Its Awesomeness, knows what is Right and what is Wrong. Hence, the Party is infallible and its decisions are to be followed. Questions can and should be asked, however; blind obedience is for lemmings.
§3The Party is more of an ideal, that's why it can be infallible.
§4The Party is based on fairness as well as Awesomeness; in the case of this fairness being transgressed upon, the Members of the Party can hold a vote of no-confidence to remove one or more of the Party leaders from their position.
§5The Party aims to bring freedom through intellectual enlightenment.
§6The Party acknowledges that although all people aren't necessarily equal, there's no point in not being nice to those of lesser stature. In fact, the Party thinks that it really isn't Awesome to judge others because of anything.
§7The Party knows what it's talking about, relax and don't panic.
§8The Party is a political entity. Ish.
§9The Party is equal in rank; those not of the Party should address the Members and Leaders of It with the title, "Enlightened One."
Section Two,Concerning Conduct Between Members of The Party:§1The Party shall always be mentioned in its full form because It is so Awesome. Except when using "It," which shall then be written with a capital I.
§2Other Party Members shall be referred to as Comrade. Leaders of the Party shall be addressed as Beloved Comrade.
§3Members of the Party shall be polite and courteous to each other at all times. Civility brings happiness and happiness is the purpose of the Party.
§4All Members' votes shall be equal in value and all shall have one and they all shall be Awesome.
Section Three,Concerning Leaders of The Party:§1There shall, at all times, be three Leaders of the Party, who shall have many duties and obligations.
§1.1Firstly, the Leaders shall examine all applicants to the Party and vote on their admission together. A majority is needed to admit a new Member.
§1.2Secondly, the Leaders shall organise Party activities and inform Its Members of such activities and the political events of Taijitu.
§1.3Thirdly, the Leaders shall guide the Party in their and Its Awesomeness to relieve Taijitu from shackles of ignorance, oppression and prejudice, whatever the cost may be.
§2The Leaders shall work to their best capability and act without fear nor favour. Even if someone is Awesome, it doesn't mean they can pick on someone who isn't. Sheesh.
Section Four,Concerning Admission of New Members to The Party:§1The Party is a political entity. Hence, upon joining, the new Member acknowledges that they must vote according to the Awesome will of the Party which they in turn and in collaboration with other Members of the Party shall form.
§2The Member applicant can not be a member of other Taijituan political organisations at the same time as they are a Member of the Party.
§1As mentioned before, two Leaders need to approve a candidate to secure admission and Awesomeness.
Section Five,Concerning the Removal of Members From The Party:§1Members can be removed from the Party by the unanimous vote of the Leaders or by a three-fourths general majority in a vote held amidst the members.
Section Six,Concerning Secrecy:§1Because some Non-Party Members cannot withstand the Awesomeness of the Internal Procedures of the Party, Members are to be silent about them.
§2If you can't hold your tongue about the Awesomeness of the Party, at least don't discuss the really hush-hush subjects, okay?
Section Seven,Concerning the Rest of the Internal Procedures of The Party:§1The Party judges every situation as they come. Hence, no further information can be given on a general basis.
§2Except that the Party's Internal Procedures are Awesome. Durr.
Section Eight,Concerning Symbols and Images Related to The Party:§1The Awesome Peacejitu and Dragonjitu -symbols shall be the official Logos of the Party, even though they are too awesome to be publicly displayed.
§2The "dancing girl" shall be the Party's official mascot.