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Author Topic: Updates from The Pacific  (Read 1426 times)

Offline Haor Chall

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Updates from The Pacific
« on: May 04, 2008, 10:30:59 AM »

Update from The Pacific

Comrade-Premier encourages greater Industry

After several quiet months in Pacifica, Comrade-Premier Moo-Cows-with-Guns has encouraged the beginning of a new, active era for NationStates' oldest region with his Initiative for Pacifican Industrialization. In a new chapter in its history, the Pacific has begun a vibrant new period with an updated senate and increasingly-active forum. Despite various recent poor attempts to unseat and discredit the legitimate Pacifican government, our region has defeated foreign speculation by increasing overall activity. With the rallying of a rejuvenated Francoist Party, the Pacific is again ready to combat its enemies and defend its illustrious history.

Initiative for Pacifican Industrialization


Little over four and a half years ago a great movement swept through our homeland. As it surged forward it found the tired, the hungry, the impoverished and the disillusioned, turning them into proud and active Pacificans; reinvigorating them and pushing them to become all that they could be. Within a generation, the dull and suppressed Pacific had become the frontier of cultural, intellectual, philosophical and political thought. This was a time of revolutionary upheaval and change, with new concepts and ideas establishing themselves daily to replace and improve: to prosper. But throughout, there was one constant. This was not a movement of one man, but a mass movement: a class awaking from its slumber to create a new world.

Today we stand on the rich soil inherited from this mass movement, and as we look forward to the advances we will be making within our own generation we must recognize and take on the example set for us by our forefathers. Once again we must rise up and become not just a region or a government, but a mass movement. Once again we must sweep through our homeland, finding the tired, the hungry, the impoverished and the disillusioned, and bringing them into the Revolution, where both they and Pacifica will reap the benefits.

With the new ideas and enthusiasm of youth, merged with the lessons and achievements of history, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. It is through this new movement that we will see our industrial revolution flourish and maintain the Pacific as the premier region in the world. But mass movements do not build themselves. And so we come to the Initiative for Pacifican Industry. It is the duty of every Pacifican to build the movement by recruiting new comrades into the state apparatus of our Great Society, where together we can advance towards heights of which our forefathers only have dreamed. Every Party Member and every Senator must send recruitment telegrams as part of his/her contribution to Mother Pacifica.

As we move forward, some Party Members will be called upon for greater service. In this vein, two new Senators have stepped up to answer Pacifica's call: Senator Krulltopia and Senator Hauxland. Let me introduce you to the full Senate:

Moo-Cows with Guns, Delegate and Premier of The Pacific

The Senate:
Chosen Men, Senator of Pacifican Security
Haor Chall, Senator of Diplomacy
Gaspoinia, Senator of Administration
Risellia, Senator of Pacifican Culture
Krulltopia, Senator of Information
Hauxland, Senator of Justice

To promote our revitalization efforts and the industrialization of the region, I have appointed Senator Haor Chall as Droog for Foreign Affairs and Ambassadors, and Senator Hauxland as Droog for Internal Affairs. The Droogs will spearhead the efforts to bolster and increase the momentum of The Pacific in this exciting time. It will fall to them to ensure that production is steady and all Party Members are pulling their weight. They have the unenviable task of managing the day-to-day operations of this forum. Let their appointment be a sign of the commitment of The Pacific to both its great legacy and its greater future.

The Pacific has made history for over four years; we can continue to so. The Pacific is the First Feeder with a unique and peerless position. We are the mass movement needed to see our industrial revolution flourish and be the light amidst the chaos of the rest of NationStates as we have always been. Just as The Pacific was the foundation upon which all of NationStates was built, it will also be the firmament upon which a new age is brought into being. Others have quieted and others have floundered in vain quests for power, but The Pacific alone has such a consistent and unique legacy of leadership among regions. It is we -the old and the new members of The Pacific- who must join together to reap the fruit of our toils and make this harvest one of the best this region and NationStates has ever seen.

Hail Pacifica!

Comrade Premier Moo-cows with guns

Office of Party Affairs

The entrance halls of the Pacifican Party have echoed to the sound of many footsteps as many citizens of The Pacific sign up to become Party Members. The recruitment centre has been buzzing with activity as telegrams are sent out to the nations of The Pacific. Special notice must go to Comrade Limitless Events for his stalwart work in telegramming nations.

Map of the Pacific

Commandante Limitless Events has created an excellent map for The Pacific, which can be found here.

Pacificans retake RMB

Attempts by insurgents and foreign infiltrators to usurp the Pacific's Civil Headquarters have failed, with loyal Pacifican citizens banishing spam from our region. In a renewed effort, Pacific residents have successfully refuted and removed the annoyance caused by such intrusions. This is yet another sign of the renewed power of the Pacifican people, our Senate, and our Delegate.

Recent PNN Publications

When Userites Attack
TNP Nutjob declares: I am an Anarchist

Pacifica Prevails!
Pacifican Senator for Diplomacy

"When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout."

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Updates from The Pacific
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 04:28:51 AM »

A Mean Old Man Appointed to Pacifican Senate as Senator of "Special Projects"
11 May, 2013 || Pacific News Network

PICTURED: Senator of Administration Gaspo points at AMOM while delivering the news.

HALL OF THE PEOPLE, THE PACIFIC --As a part of this week's continued leadership shakeup in the New Pacific Order, Emperor Krulltopia has announced the immediate appointment of A mean old man to the Pacifican Senate, where he will serve in the capacity as the Senator of Special Projects. This announcement follows the appointments of Feux and Karpathos to the New Pacific Order's Senate, and Limitless Event's shift in roles.

This promotion was a long time coming and well-deserved. A mean old man has served as the Head of the Pacifican World Assembly Committee, the director of the Pacific News Network, and a Tribune. Previously, he was the founder and a member of Corporate. He has also served as a magister, army member, and WA Delegate of our fellow GCR, The East pacific. AMOM has also been known for his countless contributions to the General Assembly and the World Assembly Security Council; he has authored a total of ten WA resolutions, including a condemnation of NAZI EUROPE.

The position of Senator of Special Projects is absolutely vital to The Pacific's progress moving forward, and is an esteemed one in the Senate. Indeed, they are of the utmost importance to the New Pacific Order's future and are crucial to many of the coming plans that the Order seeks to implement in the coming days, weeks, months, and so on. "It's an extremely important role that we're not allowed to say too much about," said Senator Karpathos, "but rest assured you'll be seeing a lot of AMOM's work in action, though you may not see a lot of him."

Pacifica is pleased to have a member as dedicated as AMOM, and looks forward to working with him now that he has returned to the scene. His promotion to the senate was long overdue and the NPO trusts that he'll be an invaluable asset in the Senate.

Written by Feux
The Pacific Press: A Newspaper with Issues
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« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 05:52:03 PM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.