If you want me to make a special RP map just for all you whining babies how about I do that hmmm?
Even more work for someone who already puts so much work into this?
I think the map is perfect as it is even for RP.
And as Oz says it represents the region of Taijitu and not just the RP section of it.
So what about if a nation isn't active. There are nations in the real world that don`t participate in wars, politics or economics with the rest of the world.
If we must make room for new nations than delete those who are no longer in the region.
Also I think Rock Briken needs a couple of Islands close to the north or south pole if I read his descriptions elsewhere right.
I don`t think this would be as much work and wouldn't`t change the overall makeup so much.
I am sure Oz can do that easily.