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Author Topic: Alliances  (Read 14486 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2007, 12:35:52 PM »
In any case, whenever anybody does an RP war, they invariably ignore its effects on their own civilian population, and they ignore the effects of enemy propaganda on population.  It's sad, especially as that's one of our advantages.  Such is life.

I´m sure I won´t ignore this. My disciplined people are a major advantage to me; however, if the war will last for some time or Im under siege, they surely need some "help". I also will use secret service operations, assasinations, and propaganda attacks on other nations...

Besides, I really like putting in psychological components in RP - so my soldiers won´t be a mass of soul- and emotionless zombies with weapons^^.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #46 on: May 08, 2007, 06:11:35 PM »
want to read my peeps getint pissed, look at fir
PSR has left the region

The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

Sept 21 Third Season is a go


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Re: Alliances
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2007, 06:04:29 PM »
I'm quite into military history and tactics, I wargame (fantasy, sci-fi and real life) and play many war sims and strategy games (there are differences) and in fact chose to do a course heavily slanted towards military history at A level (alas I am now a botanist so my official interest in the topic is now at an end) I've started writing a few essays on logistics and other major aspects of warfare which I hope to have finished before july (I'll distribute to anyone who wants them on here, they are very much for the intelligent layman rather then for the expert (also any feedback would be greatly appreciated))

now that i'm free of exams and coursework I'll be able to get into role playing more so hopefully this will become apparent.

Psyche is all ways fun I plan to RP most of it from eye witness (i'll be detailing what my forces intend to do OOC above it and then have whats going on at a lower level i.e. reporters, combat journals, diary enteries, letters home etc.)

I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!