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Author Topic: Takasia Arms Catalog  (Read 8891 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2007, 08:30:58 PM »
Saletsia would like to order 20x Neustrashimy class frigate for  650,000,000™ each:

total price: 13 billion TM

Money is wired automatically upon confirmation of order.

Offline tak

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2007, 01:01:42 AM »
Quote from: alland
To: Saletsia
From: Alland Shipyard

Thank you for the order. The Takasian government, in support of your actions against imperialist invasion, would like to pay for half of the cost. The first 10 frigates will arrive in 26 weeks (12 RL hours), while the remaining 10 in 78 weeks (18 RL hours).

Alland Shipyard

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2007, 01:07:16 AM »
Saletsia thanks the Takasian Government for it's mostly generous offer.
Due to your offer we would like to add another 10 frigates to our order list if it's possible, these ten will be payed by us of course.

May the sun keep shining on Takasia

Offline tak

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2007, 04:55:59 AM »
Quote from: alland
To: Saletsia
From: Alland Shipyard

Thank you for the additional order. These frigates will arrive 13 weeks (6 RL hours) after the previous order.

Alland Shipyard

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2007, 09:40:33 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense

We hereby pay the next installment of $ 45,024,000 for the lease contract on the 4  A400M.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2007, 09:08:55 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense

We hereby pay the next installment of $ 45,024,000 for the lease contract on the 4  A400M
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2007, 06:19:53 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense

We hereby pay the next installment of $ 45,024,000 for the lease contract on the 4  A400M

Also we would like to purchase the following from Takasia Arms

Slava class cruiser            2        $ 8,840,000,000
Sonereigny class destroyer   4    $13,260,000,000

to be paid in full.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2007, 01:52:19 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense

Dear Sirs,
we would like to finalize the contract for the A400M by paying the remaining sum of


to your account

Thank you for your business.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2007, 07:01:11 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense/ TAL

5 A-318         $401,400,000      
3 A-330-200F          $735,900,000
4 A-318      Aircraft without interior Price ??

Total so far   $1,137,300,000 will be paid in full
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline tak

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2007, 02:29:15 PM »
Quote from: aerobuzz
To: Terrangar Ministry of Defense/ TAL
From: Aerobuzz Industrie

Considering our highly inflated currency at the moment, we would like to fulfill the order with for just $1,100,000,000 only. The planes will be delivered in 52 weeks (1RL day). This is a special discount for you.

Thank you,
Aerobuzz Industrie
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 02:42:25 PM by tak »

Offline Pachamama

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2007, 04:13:27 PM »
To:Aerobuzz Industrie
From: Terrangar Ministry of Defense/ TAL

We are honored by your offer
The money will be transferred to you immediately.
Thank you very much.
Please note that further orders will follow as we expand our business.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 04:16:45 PM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Kozai

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #41 on: July 25, 2007, 03:52:33 AM »
To Aerobuzz Industries:
Direct from Siath Kozai-

We wish to buy 3 planes that will serve as transport for top government officials. The plane should be top class, and not like common planes. They will have the ability for us to install commands and equipment to serve as a mobile political HQ for the nation of officials.

We also wish for more different types of models of planes best suited for their task. This time, only the schematics are needed. Not the plane itself. The requests will be listed below.

This will be a plane that will be ment for the wealthiest of our citizens. They will not be ment for large amounts of travellers, and should focus more on comfort, safety, and if possible, speed. They should be capable of long distance international travels.

Our second schematics request is a common type plane, also ment for long-range international travel. They will have average comfort, speed, etc. However, it should not be trash. We want a good model.

Our last request is a long-range international cargo plane. Just to transport equipment and material over the world. Comfort will be provided for the pilots. Safety for the cargo being transported. And speed is a must as well as capability for intense travel.

We can negotiate on the prices.

Thank you,

Siath Kozai
Head of the Royal Family
The Armed Republic of Kozai

(OOC: I might RP about you coming bring those planes. Just the main intro post here. Then make a thread about it. Due to the turbulent rise of Siath, some terrorist organizations are at large. They'll attack the three ready-made planes and create an RP. They'll have attacked other nations in order to frame Kozai, so that can get other nations involved.(
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 04:01:59 AM by Kozai »

Offline Glomin

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2007, 05:42:31 PM »
I'm sure you are aware of the re-equipping of the Glomin armed forces and I trust that your nations fine suppliers of military equipment will be more then able to meet our demands.

Yours Robert Gardner,
Secretary for trade


Offline Nuekallaya

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Re: Takasia Arms Catalog
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2007, 05:57:31 AM »
Poonyong Advanced Technology,

The Imperial Hegemony of Nuekallaya is looking to expand it's missile force. We are currently restricted to land-based short and medium ranged ballistic missiles. We would like to inquire about purchasing the technology necessary to produce intermediate or intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Sovereign Cyrus Zathuri
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