News: Be vigilant: Anticitoyens could be behind any corner.
Aerobuzz IndustrieModel List PriceSu-34 30,000,000™Su-35 35,000,000™A400M 80,000,000™
Alland ShipyardModel List PriceSteregushchy class corvette 200,000,000™Neustrashimy class frigate 650,000,000™
Vladivalstalk ShipyardModel List PriceSovremenny class Destroyer 1,500,000,000™Slava class cruiser 2,000,000,000™
Poonyong Advanced TechnologyModel List PriceRodong-13,500,000™Rodong-24,500,000™Other products available on request.
Stinkapore ShipyardModel List PriceBorei class submarine1,600,000,000™Yasen class submarine1,600,000,000™
To: Takasia ArmsFrom: Nathan Temple, COO of Easteros Merchant CompanyGreetings!The Easteros Merchant Company is interested in purchasing two Steregushchy class corvette, the total comes to $400 million™. The money will be transferred from our account in the First Takasian Bank and we request that the ships be delivered to East Jazzville on the Easteros continent. Thank you.Sincerely,Nathan Temple
To: Nathan Temple, COO of Easteros Merchant CompanyFrom: Alland ShipyardThank you for your order. The corvettes will be ready in 12 weeks and delivered to East Jazzville in 18 weeks (9 hours RL). As our first customer in the decade (after the resumption of arm trade), we are pleased to give you a 15% discount. The discount of 60,000,000™ will be wired to your account.Sincerely,Alland Shipyard
To: Chinese LoyalistFrom: Alland ShipyardThank you for your order. The frigate will be ready in 12 weeks and delivered to Na Sui in 18 weeks (9 hours RL) from now.Sincerely,Alland Shipyard
Items: Four Neustrashimy Class Frigates (Register them as Hope, Crisis, Loyalty,and Honesty) Expenditure: $1 306 500 000 x 4 = $5 226 000 000Items: Ten Steregushchy class corvetteExpenditure: $402 000 000 x 10 = $4.02 billionItem: One Sovremenny class destroyer (Register as Inferno)Expenditure:$3 015 000 000