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Author Topic: Narales (Narsa) Military Goods  (Read 779 times)

Offline Narsa

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Narales (Narsa) Military Goods
« on: March 26, 2007, 12:55:26 AM »
Narsan Rubber Slingshots

Civil Slingrifle
Effective Range: 17 m
Muzzle Velocity: 40 m/s (lead shots) 20 m/s (steel shots)
Killing Range: 14m (headshot)
Unit Price: $30 (plus 100 17 mm lead shots)

Carbineer's Slingpistol
Effective Range: 13 m
Muzzle Velocity: 35 m/s (steel shots)
Killing Range:9 m (groin shot)
Unit Price: $20 (plus 150 15 mm steel shots)

Sling Deringer
Effective Range: 3 m
Muzzle Velocity:23 m/s (aluminium shot)
Killing Range: 3 m
Unit Price: $9 (plus 20 aluminium shots)

Thunderbuss (deadly shotgun)
Effective Range: 9 m
Muzzle Velocity:70 m/s (HE 60mm shotgun shell)
Killing Range: 8.7 m
Unit Price:$60 ($30 per 5 shell)

Bolt Slingrifle
Effective Range:21 m
Muzzle Velocity: 50 m/s (plastic shots) 45 m/s (steel shots)
Killing Range:18 m (ear shot)
Unit Price:$50 (plus 300 18 mm plastic and steel shots)

Tommywheel rifle (machine gun)
Effective Range: 50 m
Muzzle Velocity: 30 m/s (plastic shots)
BPM: 40 per sec
Killing Range:30 m (heart shot)
Unit Price: $80 (plus 900 shots)

Rocket MG
Effective Range:70 m
Muzzle Velocity: 50 m/s (53 mm long rocket)
BPM: 25 per sec
Killing Range:49 m
Unit price: $100 (plus 5000 mini-rockets)

Nitro rifle
Effective Range: 76 m
Muzzle Velocity: 150 m/s (grenade bullets)
Killing Range:66 m (gut shot)
Unit Price: $65 (plus 175 90 mm long bullets)

Propane Flamethrower
Effective Range:10 m
Gas Capacity: 300 PSI
Pumping rate: 20 PSI/ hour
Price: $90

Lava cannon
Effective Range:24 m
Muzzle Velocity: 50 m/s (steel shot)
Killing Range:21 m (arm shot)
Unit Price:$35 plus 10 mini-napalm bombs

Volley pistol
Effective Range:22 m
Muzzle Velocity: 60 m/s (rock shells)
Number of Barrels: 10 barrels (6 sec to load per barrel)
Killing Range: 19 m (leg shot)
Unit price:$40 plus 30 shotgun shells

A cheap, affordable way to equip a human wave army. Steel construction with all natural rubber from Narsa. Also get our priced cannon guns! Free Delivery and comes with a free attachable bayonet(sharp spearhead at the end of the barrel)!

Light Steel Sabres (with free Parkesine roundshields)

Blade Length: 79cm
Galvanized Steel Blade
Weight: 7.5 pounds
Unit Price: $17

Plus get these military equipment

Spike mines
Type: Mines
Design:A 30-cm radius spiked ball that is supported
Specialty:Self-destructs (blast damage 10m) when enemy is a few metres near (controlled by computers)
Price: $70 per 2 mines and $90 computer

MT Sticks
Type: Drone
Design: A smart mini-turret pod controlled by computers to activate a smart MG turret
Specialty: No more building expensive bunkers!!
Price:$160 for 20 sticks and $120 computer

Volcano bomb (also called Nuclear grenade)
Type: HE grenade
Design: a spherical grenade that has only 2 pieces of plutonium and C-4 explosive inside
Specialty:DANGER: May have 15 m radius blast

Shrapmite grenade (also called Grenade of Doom)
Type: Shrapnel grenade
Design:a grenade containing 4 balled-sized robots called shrapmites(they explode when enemy is near)
Specialty:Throw the grenade. The grenade will open by computer and will control the shrapmites to move
Price:$75 per 2 grenades (free computer)

Breed bomb (also called the Bouncing Bertha)
Type: Shrapnel grenade/Air blast bomb
Design: A shrapnel grenade that sends out small highly-explosive tungsten bombs and release an air blast
Specialty: Good for taking out tanks and a breed of soldiers
Price:$300 ($20 per 3 bombs)

Taser glove(or walloper)
Type: Combat weapon
Design:rubber glove covered by a metal-chain glove that can be electrically charged by battery
Specialty: use as electrical punching glove

Tesla rifle
Type:Electric weapon
Design: A liquid stun gun with 11,000 amps
Specialty: A Shocking Death!!!

Cutlery Pistols
Type: Pistol
Design: a pistol combine with a fork or knife, invented by Germans in 1760 (and I'm not kidding)
Specialty: You can eat food AND defend yourself from enemies and people trying to steal your food!
Price: $30 (P.S It is a modern version...plus do not bring to public parties)

Swordgun (P.S No...not from "Final Fantasy")
Type: Combat pistol
Design: a sword with a hidden pistol attached to handle, invented in 1600s (and I'm not kidding either)
Specialty: If a person is close to you and ready to stab you, thrust the enemy before it kills you.
Price:$25 (also modern version)

Apache pistol
Type: Pistol
Design: revolver with dagger attached and knuckleduster for butt, invented by Parisian criminals in 1900
Specialty: If your out of bullets, the dagger is the only way. Plus it has a folding trigger!
Price:$20 (modern version...plus no Parisians are allowed to buy this pistol)

Poacher Pistol
Type: Modern Rifle
Design: a rifle that can be broken into three parts (butt,stock,barrel) The stock has a attachable blade
Specialty: The butt doubles as a chopping knife (attachable blade) and stock as sword
Price:$35 plus 2 blades (illegal to French people, because invented by London criminals in 18th century)

Gravity boots
Type: Footwear
Design: a shoe with 2 attachments (suction cups and magnets)
Specialty: use it to walk on smooth surfaces
Price: $165

Type: Grappling gun
Design: a slingshot with a magnetic grappling hook with a 15 m long rope attached
Specialty: get to high places fast

Metal Attractor
Type: Magnet
Design: a strong magnetic gun that can have its magnetic power controlled by dial and attracts metal
Specialty: Attract arms and heavy shells fired by the enemy

How about complementing our slingshots with a nice light weight steel sabre for the average soldier in your human wave army. We galvanized the blades so they won't rust after being expose to water or the blood of your dead soldiers after a suicide attack on a enemy fortress. Free Parkesine shield with every sword! Now guns with spiky bullets and comes with a free walkie-talkie! AND new military equipment!)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 02:32:18 AM by Narsa »