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Author Topic: MoaciaKorp  (Read 3059 times)

Offline Xyrael

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« on: January 23, 2008, 09:22:26 PM »
MoaciaKorp is a Private Military Firm providing it's services at competetive prices to ensure that your needs are fulfilled. Our services include: Logistics, Technicians, Engineers, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Disaster Support, Marine Security, and Defense Contracting. All soldiers are equipped with the best gear MoaciaKorp can purchase, and undergo 9 weeks of vigorous training at the hands of ex-Rikukahei instructors.

It is MoaciaKorps sincerest goal to promote peace and stability throughout the world, allow us to lend you the tools to creating this peace.
-Isma'il al-Mustansir, President of MoaciaKorp

In addition to selling goods required by nations throughout the world, MoaciaKorps seeks eager volunteers to join it's ranks. You will not only undergo training which will better prepare you for the adventures you will undertake in the life of a military contractor, you will learn skills which will better prepare you for your future outside of MoaciaKorp. Great benefits and free vacations are but a sample of what MoaciaKorp can offer you. Entry level positions start at $18,000 a year with free housing, food, transportation, and health coverage, with pay raises of $5,000 every year after the first guaranteed. For ex-military personnel starting pay begins at $30,000 a year.

MoaciaKorp's Contractable Personnel:
Logistics: $2,500 per month
Technicians: $3,100 per month
Law Enforcement: $2,000 per month
Engineers: $3,500 per month
Intelligence: $4,000 per month
Disaster Support: $1,800 per month
Marine Security: $2,100 per month (suggested 4-10 per vessel, housing required)
Defense Contractors:
Are you tired of waiting for the IPOPk forces to deliver you the security you require? Do you need help now?
  • Tactical squads start at $50,000 a month for a 10 man unit, fully equipped with Felin combat system. Additional APC support for $10,000 a month. These contractors come equipped for any task you require as long as it does not violate international law.
  • Brigade-sized units start at 4,200 contractors for $10,000,000 a month, fully equipped to deal with your combat situation. Are your circumstances dire, do you need a well trained unit capable of guaranteeing security? Omega-level Package includes 4,200 contractors equipped with FELIN combat systems linked to MoaciaKorp intelligence satellites, 30 MBT, 50 APC, 40 MRLS, and 10 AH-64 Apache helicopters, at $6,000,000 a month.

Long term contracts over 12 months long do not apply to the above prices, please contact MoaciaKorp for further details about flexible pricing.
I have become, again and again.

Offline Union

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Re: MoaciaKorp
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 09:28:27 PM »
HOLA wishes to discuss the possibility of a long term contract with MoaciaKorp. We are in the process of privatizing a part of our armed forces, and you have been selected as a favorable contractor in this regard.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Union

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Re: MoaciaKorp
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 11:52:21 PM »
-500,000+ recruits plus full logistic and support personnel, capable of expeditionary service
-Contract will extend indefinitely, cannot be cancel by neither parties until 10 years has passed.
-Your company shall manage and provide housing, equipment, legal aid, pension, and upkeep to all personnel
-Training must be of decent quality, but training period for recruits should not exceed 10 weeks
-recruits must have limited attachment to their former civilian lives, must be willing to serve on par contract and with no bias.
-competitive long term pricing and fast "personnel replacement" service
-Personnel to be based in L'enka coast
-personnel to be operated as infantry, mechanical infantry, and armor units

Leased personnel shall operate under the jurisdiction of LOL chain of command (Loyanese Oversea Legions), but all legal matters and rightful ownership will be pertained to MoaciaKorp. Room for contract expansion is possible.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Xyrael

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Re: MoaciaKorp
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2008, 01:51:35 AM »
Thank you for choosing MoaciaKorp!

We are in the process of fulfilling your request, however we would like to inform you that such a large contract first needs to be approved by the board, and MoaciaKorp will need to expand it's business. As the contract is indefinite, we see no problem in fulfilling the request. The sum will amount to roughly $12 billion a year, however we will require an upfront payment of $3 billion in order to create more job openings. Is this satisfactory?
I have become, again and again.

Offline Union

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Re: MoaciaKorp
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2008, 04:57:20 AM »
It is acceptable. HOLA has approved 3 billion dollars for immediate transfer to your government account. Once the contract has been fully establish, you can expect the annual fee in cash.

On a side note, we will like you to keep this contract as confidential as possible. The public can sometimes be a little unreceptive of mercenaries, I'm sure you know.
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Xyrael

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Re: MoaciaKorp
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2008, 05:41:47 AM »
These are Private Defense Contractors, not mercenaries. Should these people be found in combat situations, however they will be prepared for their situation as best as they can. They are licensed under the principles of free trade and global marketing.

We will begin recruiting immediately, we have many eager prospective contractors. Expect the contractors to be ready for service within 3 months. We will work as expeditiously as possible, and redirect recruits in training towards the Loyanese Overseas Legion as quickly as possible.
I have become, again and again.