Could you make some Great House logos for Myroria? Hanso should have something signifying their desire for riches, like scales or something (scales is just some random example, it doesn't neccessarily need to be scales). They're also the most modern house, so it should look modern, but not like...Web 2.0. Hanso is mostly in County Traval and the north of County Ivorheart, where it's very cold.
Great House Quarrovth is the most traditional house. They're unwilling to accept change (As expressed by Karl Quarrovth's unwillingness to allow Meneldur to change his line of succession), so make something to reflect that. They're mostly everywhere Hanso isn't, and have the better, more warm land.
And, of course, Vrotrith is communist, so use the obligatory communist symbols. They don't really have "control" over parts of Myroria, just being like...a "third party" in the United States.
Here we go, these are just my initial suggestions, C&C is encouraged.

A variation of the eagle emblem seen on the Myrorian flag. In addition to retaining the traditional state colours of cream and maroon (the beak, claws, and eye) the crest includes two types of blue, a dark royal and an "ice" blue, representing both the house's "progressive" nature and it's dominance in the colder regions of the country.
The design of the eagle itself reflects the principal ideals of the house. While it retains a traditional shape, the eagle in the shield, it's unique colourization and modern design reflect a progressive, changing ideology, unwilling to remain grounded in the traditions of the present. The shield in the centre of the eagle is split between gold and silver, with a gold coin on the silver side, and a silver coin on the gold side, representing a quest for wealth.

The same basic emblem as Hanso, done in the completely opposite style. The colours of the state are included (the beak, claws, and highlights of the eagle). The colours of the shield, red and white, make a slight reference to the house's dominance in warmer regions, but more importantly they symbolize tradition. Red and white has long been associated with the traditions of the past in Germanic nations, from Austria to the colours of Brandenburg.
Also symbolizing tradition is the design of the eagle. Hanso looks to the future, it's rendition of the national emblem is abstract and new. Quarrovth looks to the past, it's rendition of the national emblem is traditional and elegant. The symbols of the monarchy are included, with the state shield seen on the national eagle replaced by a script "Q" representing the house (this idea was borrowed from the coat of arms of Prussia, which featured the initials of the ruling house in the centre of the arms).
The styles of the two major houses reflect polar ideologies while also sharing similar elements. While the two houses may have very different ideologies regarding the administration of the state, they also share the fundamentals. Both respect what the nation is, its past, and where it's going. While both emphasize different parts of that equation of the other, they're both loyal to the state, its institutions, and its practises. Essentially the "different but similar" crests show that both houses are playing the same game, just with a different end result in mind.
The communists. Unlike the above houses, they desire widespread change, a destruction of the old in the name of a new socialist state. Therefore little, if any, of the state's emblems are retained. They feel the other two houses are basically singing the same song in different tones. Their emblems are revolutionary, cutting the link to the nation's past, which they view as corrupt.
I've created two emblems for this house.

A simple design. The red star of communism containing the golden hammer and sickle. The cream and maroon outlines indicate the party's country of origin.

A more complex badge. The red banner with the golden hammer & sickle/star combo is super-imposed over an obscured Myrorian flag, representing the house's duel nature as both a Myrorian political party and a communist party. The name of the house is seen at the top of the badge in plain block font, with the letters "M-K-P" underneath, which stands for "Myrorian Communist Party", perhaps an informal name for the house.
The inscription at the bottom of the badge is "Myrorian" for "WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE".