I have to agree with Wast. Any pretentious prick using a title disrespecting our utmost value of equality should be beheaded, granting that members of the militia can hold summary trial and execution when accompanied by another member of the militia that confirms the violation of equality.
The trial consists on inquiring the suspect to say "Vive l'equalité, Vive la Taijitu" in any way or form and renouncing to any title that he may hold on the spot. Failure to comply results in immediate termination.
Furthermore, an issue to all embassies requires corresponding dignitaries to renounce their titles upon entering service in Taijitu.
Citizen's Militia men are also entitled to acquire, wear or display in public any part or total of the executed body. This is to prevent any prosecution towards our Militia for parading through Taijitu's streets with the enemies' heads on their pikes.
As immortalized on these digital photos: