Government of Taijitu > Proposals and Discussion

Clarifying citizenship


I think we should decide whether to keep our current system of citizenship or move onto a new one. I bring this up because we have several new people in our Discord who are contributing to our RP/worldbuilding community and just participating in general but as an admin I still have to approve their posts on the forum.

I suppose the easiest route would be to leave our citizenship process the same as it is now - taking an oath, etc., and just removing restrictions on members from posting but I don't want to invite spammers to our forum again.

We need to clarify where we stand! What about the map? What abot the dictatorship? What about the glorious revolution? What about all those here that need to put their money where their mouth is? What about all those who "always come back", but does nothing and still are preventing others to do something?
How about putting up a new guillotine in a prominent place and get rid of some traitors?

just sayin'...

I think if you have any specific ideas on anything at all you should make them known so we can all talk about them and work on implementing them.


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