I'm not against the space story, to be honest, but I know that inevitably one of the two will flaunt the fact they did it and say "well, look at this ____, i can do this ______ because ive already been past the moon"
I'm not against a good story, if that's what it is, a story. I don't want to see you importing Orestian iron ore, or Oz importing helium from some star so he can sound like a clown.
Myro, I like the idea of you getting extinct Orestian life in a museum is great, hell go ahead and build a SETI because your people might believe thereare others out there. I just don't want to see you exploiting space. The points I made towards Oz, however, stand. You need to overcome not only the sheer distance and time, but the power source etc. etc. without tainting General RP with a massive rush for technology which doesnt exist yet. It's already rather annoying that there's 5 million pop nations with fully developed economies and aircraft carriers, I can't picture Albania with an aircraft carrier, we don't everyone claiming they have nuclear fusion or submarine/HULA carriers or impenetrable anti-nuke shields. Bustos already has SkyGuards, but I believe him to be willing to admit defeat and play a little more realistically with them. He also has the massive economy to use them.