While this vote is underway, I would like to discuss the next matter at hand: the Secretary and Spokesperson. I think it would be simplest and easiest to consider these two position together.
Article 4 of the Party Charter states that:
Article 4: Party Offices
1. There will be a Secretary, responsible for administering the records, votes and elections of the party and a Spokesperson, responsible for administering the recruitment, campaigning and public relations of the party.
2. Any member may convoke a Congress whose business shall be to elect one or more Officers at any time to any office to which the Congress calls an election.
3. All offices will be elected by a Condorcet vote. Any ties will be broken in favor of the most senior member.
4.. Any officer may tender a letter of resignation to the Secretary at any time. If an officer does so, an election for the position will be held. If the election concludes successfully and a new officer is elected, the former officer will be relieved of their office and the newly elected officer will take their place. If no new officer is elected, the officer’s letter of resignation will be refused.
Relevant part, describing the party offices and their duties, is in bold. At this point I open the floor to nominations for these offices as well as suggestions, if anyone has any, on how to improve them.
In addition, as much as we all like Condorcet, I'm not sure if we have the apparatus to elect offices in that manner at this time. Eluvatar, Gulliver, please tell me if I'm mistaken!