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Filibustering, where politicians attempt to keep a debate on new laws going indefinitely, has been plaguing recent attempts to pass bills. Several aged politicians have been orating non-stop throughout three days worth of debating time, stopping any legislation from being passed.1. "This sham of a tactic is totally demolishing our ability to accomplish anything!" complains Ryan McAlpin, Minister of Ministries. "Who cares if a few old fossils fail to see reason? The majority of the government clearly wants this legislation to pass! Just set a limit on the time a person can speak for; this really is demeaning to the democratic process!"2. While taking a bathroom break before moving on to read aloud from the phonebook, Stephanie Lee states: "It is a great thing for the minority and the oppressed that our system of government allows the filibuster to be utilised to harness the majority! Let the hills, the mountains, and the valleys reverberate with the sounds of our voices! We will not surrender to this repugnant legislation."3. "The filibuster is not enough to protect the minority, since they are too afraid of the tyrannical majority to use it," says political commentator, Roger Love. "I suggest that all legislation must require a unanimous vote before it can pass. That way, nobody goes away unhappy."4. "Why do we need to debate legislature anyway?" questions Sophie Brown, your Minister of Alternative Solutions, who also happens to be the best friend of your distant cousin. "Everything would be so much more simple if we just decide what to do, and do it. After all, we're the ones who know what's best for Taijitu Founder. If the minority parties want to say something, they can submit it in writing."