Taijitu World Building > Pre-Modern Era Fiction

A New Religion in Omsarim, 502 BCE

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Ulara listened to what the foreigner with the pipe said.    'Flame Ta' sounded like it could be some corruption of Vanata.   So it appeared that the Great Sun God had revealed Himself to these people as well.    Could He have revealed more truths to them?    Ulara remembered his father speaking to him about Tyros, and the Omsarin.   "My son," said Narala, "Never forget to thank all the gods for your great fortune.   For you were born among the Omsarin, the most civilized and blessed people upon this planet.    And you were even more fortunate to be born in Tyros, the most prosperous and enlightened of our cities.   Never forget your great fortune.   And never cease to defend our most precious and pure culture."   If the Omsarin were truly the greatest people, why would Vanata give any truths to strange and foreign cultures?

Yet did not the same sun shine upon every land?   Did not the same sea strike their shores, and the same air fill their chests?   Before this day, Ulara believed that the Omsarin were blessed to be the only ones to know the holy name of Vanata, to know who created and ruled the world.   Yet now a foreign person who barely even spoke the Omsari language spoke of the same god. 

"I know of 'flame Ta', called here 'Vanata'" Ulara responded slowly, pointing up at the sun.   "I know he rules the world and gods, but I do not know where he guides my soul.    I do not know Gaea or Hermetica."   He awaited the foreigner's response.


Ularu listened to the people from the wagon, noting their strange robes and hats and pale skin.    The idea of an ancestor's spirits protecting him was not entirely new, but he had not thought deeply of it before.   It was generally assumed that the spirits of the dead lived in another realm, under the watch of the gods, and did not interfere much in the lives of the living, save in cursed and haunted circumstances.    Why would the human spirits go to the world when the great gods ruled over it?   Yet Vanata was concerned with the sun and the sea and the land, perhaps it would make sense that lesser spirits would deal with lesser matters.

"Perhaps the spirits of my family do protect and guide me in this life," Ularu answered.   "But my family did not create the sea and sky.   My family does not rule the land and heavens.   My family's light does not bring life to this world.   And surely no human spirits could create whatever great truths exist in this world.  If there are no gods, where would these truths come from?"

"In the beginning," the woman began. She sat at the table, now cluttered with items for sale. "in the beginning everyone's spirits lived in the same place. Formless and chaotic,"

The woman glanced up at the man, who was presently in the process of selling a necklace to a woman dressed in an ornate robe.

"But then the Spirit Mother felt contractions in her womb. The Kin-Warden, her guardian and midwife, helped her give birth to the human world, with all of its trees, animals, and water. But then, complications caused her contractions to cease. The Spirit Mother died, and her and the spirit world still inside her womb became one. The Kin-Warden, ashamed at her failure to stop the complications, joined her in the spirit world not long after."

"Though they held all of existence in their hands," the man said as he concluded the sale, "death came even to them."

  Having never been apart from the order given to the Da'kun and all the Khem by the Library, such questions were new to him. Central to all Khemish cities was a replica of the Ankesh Tablets depicting the will of Ta and the place of all things in Knosma, the pattern of all Khem and n'Khem. Who did not know of the song in all mens hearts of Gaeas love for her children, the song and source of life itself? This child had never heard of the thrice-born Hermetica who had died that all knowledge may live in mind. Ma'an gestured and the Ser'ev brought forth a jug of Ksh'r and two fine khemish porcelain cups. With a flick of his wrist the pipe was alight as the young Ser'ev woman pushed a cup into Ularas hand. Billowing a thick bluish smoke he passed the pipe to the young man as he responded.

  "Van'a'Ta source all Knosma, you speak landskysea. Van'a'Ta more than skyfire. Van'a'Ta move heart all man. Van'a'Ta show heart way to place mind Hermetica fast think know. Hermetica move before moving in place behind all place, all mind Hermetica. Smoke and know mindheart Van'a'Ta."

 He reaches down and pulls up a handfull of dirt.

  "Gaea mother land water all." He says while whistfully releasing the dirt. "She think heart all." Touching his face. "She form body short time. Bodies belong Gaea before after in time being. Zuavka much holy Gaea."

 He awaits the affects of the sacred herbs to take affect in the young mind. Taking the glass of Ksh'r from the Ser'ev, Ma'an drinks deeply. Thinking he had done an excellent job of expressing the ideals and basics of The Path to the young man. Perhaps this was why Ta had guided his heart into the pattern of this strange land and lost people.

Ulara breathed in the blue smoke from the pipe, wondering what it would do.   He had never seen such a thing before.  Vanata being the source of everything, the Knosma, certainly was true.  Vanata moving the hearts of all men also made since.   Ulara could not fully understand what this Hermetica was,  but it seemed important.    He was starting to have trouble thinking straight.   Something was different with his senses.   Was it the smoke effecting him?    The smoke they said would let him know the mind of Vanata?  As for Gaea, if that was their name for the world, did that mean that Gaea came from Vanata?   "Is Vanata the source of Gaea?" asked Ulara.   He was feeling stranger and stranger.


At a different time, the time when Ulara was speaking to the man and woman in the wagon, he understood clearly what they were saying, but was still unable to reconcile his mind to their godless world.   "If the creators of the world are dead, then who rules it all?" he asked.

  Ma'an was taken aback by the question. He had never considered such. Was the Hermetica (thought) separate from Gaea (being) and Ta (soul)? He couldn't consider such even as the Ksh'r made his mind race. Lifting a cup to Ta he went on.

  "Body no-other mind-think soul-be. Gaea to Ta being body to soul. Two lands. One ocean. Other being from land other no being."

  He begins tracing three circles in the sand, crossing one another as an equal venn diagram. With the first circle he said, "Hermetica" and pointed to his head. "Think being. Hermetica how to know to be know."

  With the second circle he slapped his chest with a thump. "Gaea am body being. Big happy, small sad, all being Gaea self. Hunger am Gaea being. Ksh'r am Gaea."

  The third circle complete, he pointed to his heart. "Ta. Ta light heart. Ta fire. Ta being like Hermetica root to leaf. This make being known?"


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