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Author Topic: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names  (Read 11598 times)

Offline Red Mones

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Re: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2015, 06:01:15 PM »
New Szczontekeill.
Yeah, I didn't even try to pronounce that.

Offline Solclquial

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Re: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2015, 09:48:31 PM »
New Szczontekeill.
Yeah, I didn't even try to pronounce that.

It's faux-Polish. (Shond-tie-keyl)

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Offline Red Mones

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Re: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2015, 11:21:19 PM »
Oh, well I'm a dumb American.  :P

Offline Omsarim

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Re: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2016, 04:54:40 AM »
List of defunct NS Nations I brought back during that one military action months ago that are free to use if you'd like:

The United Tribes of Lazooni - A large, landlocked, plains country with a religion focused around the sacred giraffe.  An anarchic, loose Confederation, but hyper-environmentalist.  Poachers are executed, and if they've poached giraffes, their deaths are long, slow, and painful.

The Grand Duchy of Urgolon - A country once inhabited by people whose appearance and names are akin to Koreans, it was later settled by English-like people. Now it is balanced between the two races fairly equally.  Generally very conservative, except on economic matters.  Also their culture is staunchly naturist.

Kingdom of Nuatain - A Celtic-themed elective monarchy.  Known for a sexually liberated culture that's also hyper-violent, with dueling still being legal.

Kingdom of Suwannaphum - A socially conservative but economically left-wing nation inhabited by South-east Asian like peoples. Unstable past.
Your friendly neighborhood third-tier mostly developed tropic country.

Offline Khem

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Re: TAIJITU MAP: NPC Ideas and names
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2016, 04:32:39 PM »
Another idea I had for NPCs is we could retire nations into NPC status or revive old national identities as such. Got thinking about my old nation of Uichi Ryu and the comparative oddness of Khem, then it occurred to me that these would both make great NPCs. Then I was all like whoa dude could you just give up nations like that? I responded to myself gently, of course. What would I do after? Anything I want of course. Would making a new nation really make you happy? Usually does, plus having them on the map means not really having given up on their existence just of narrative dominance. Then I had agreed with myself that this was a good plan. Hell this might even become a trend. I'm going to wait for the new map to be finished (FUCKING OZ GET UR SHYT 2GETHR :P )I will let a process of geography determine my future creation. I will likely continue using Khem until such time as my new mindchild is birthed.

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