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Author Topic: Worldbuilding Discussion: Games; skill, chance, and heritage.  (Read 1717 times)

Offline Khem

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Worldbuilding Discussion: Games; skill, chance, and heritage.
« on: December 19, 2015, 11:39:00 PM »
What games do people in your nation play? What are they known for? Board games? Strategy? Soccer or another sport? Anything of antiquity now banned for some reason or another? What about gambling? Strong suit in the Olympics? Let us know :D

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Offline Prydania

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Re: Worldbuilding Discussion: Games; skill, chance, and heritage.
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 04:37:56 AM »
Kanat is Prydania's national obsession. It's essentially what we would understand as field hockey. The sport absolutely dominates the country. It's not unusual to see a single town host at least two teams at the various levels of play.

The top league in the country is the Kanat League, known as the Prydanian Kanat League internationally. It contains twenty teams. The important ones are...

Waterfront KC- the "premier" team in the country, hailing from central Beaconsfield. Known as the favourite team of yuppies, douchebags, and foreigners who want a favourite PKL team.

Exhibition KC- another team in Beaconsfield, playing from the city's south end. The team's almost as old as WKC but they've always struggled for national attention in the shadow of their more successful peers across town. Their luck turned around with a surprise championship victory that brought out a bunch of bandwagoners for five minutes before most of the city went back to being WKC fans.

Royal Kelvingrove KC- a team from Burn that received Royal patronage during the reign of Robert IV. Waterfront may have the glitz and glamour but no team has won more league championships than RKKC.

Morriganston United- This team has a fierce rivalry with RKKC, and the narrative almost writes itself. RKKC has Royal patronage and a slew of titles. Morriganston United was founded when two separate teams of miners unified. As for titles? MU has a model organisation, always in contention, but rarely winning. This has created a sort of MU "underdog" complex that fans of less successful teams find annoying.

Boxing also enjoys immense popularity. Particularly in the Midland and Upland regions.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 04:49:53 AM by Prydania »