Taijitu World Building > Planning Room

Official Map Thread (Request Thread and Rules)

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That area where the Empire of Novmir borders Soverign Dixie to the west, the Northwest area of Novmir, and a little bit to the south of Soverign Dixie to create an interesting scenario.

Nation: The Imperium of Kalonia
Capital: Ninsk (West, on the Ocean)

I am still thinking about my country's history, but I would like my small country to be near the equator so I would have an easier time launching rockets into space. A coastal area would be good so I could be involved with naval activities. However, I don't want all of my country to be coastline. I want plenty of forest. Maybe it can be modelled after Belgium. It has both a coastline and the Ardennes forest. Or maybe it can be a forest island. What do you think?

St Oz:
Considering the climate is based on the earth, the kind of jungle you'd get at the equator would be a rainforest like the congo or amazon

Put him next to Jutensa! Fill the Basin!

St Oz:
Map Updated


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