News: Citoyen reminder: Socioendangerment levels run from one to sixteen. Cooperation with mandatory sentencing from the Citoyen-Mediator may result in decreased rehabilitation length.
From: Lord Protector William Lyon King of the Greater Canadian EmpireTo: All member-nations of PIWe regretfully have to inform you all that the Canadian Empire is removing itself from the Pax Imperium Alliance. PI has done so much for us and we will never forget that. But this has turned from a military alliance to an international organization or a club of nuclear superpowers. The Canadian government will instead of abandon our allies, we will sign bilateral treaties with the following PI nations:Inglo-ScotiaMyroriaLoyanChriststanConfederate States of DixieWe refuse to sign a bilateral treaty with Feneixia unless the Feneixians leave occupied Dysanii. Until then, relations between Feneixia and Canada have ceased on the defense level.
Article II: The Legislative4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.
From: Emperor Nathaniel Cordre of FeniexiaTo: The Pax ImperiumRecent events revealed us that the Aurorean Coalition intends to end the power and influence of the Pax Imperium; pathetic invasions were launched on Feniexian territory, but from powerful nations; our soldiers are currently standing against Varkour and Validus, while other Coalition nations support this military campaign in various ways. The Pax Imperium has to unite and strike back; we can not afford to lose another major military and economic power, for Feniexia can not stand alone against the whole Coalition, at least, not when large parts of our forces are still deployed in Dysanii to defend Feniexian citizens. Taijitu is at the edge of a global war - if the Pax Imperium wishes not to cease being the most powerful organization on this planet, we have to plan our counter attacks immediately. I hope that ambassadors from all of our members will attend to this conference I want to invite all of you, for it is for nothing less than defending our own existences.
Loyan will attend the conference. We will assist accordingly to our obligation as a member of the Imperium. Long live the Pax!