Edit....for some reason I was having trouble posting. Here was what I wanted to say.
The reasons given for his ejection by Delegate Sovereign Dixie are:
- #"[P]ersonal attacks, including flaming and racism",
- #"[G]enerally rude and inappropriate behaviour",
- #"[T]he impersonation of a Minister of Taijitu",
- #"[H]is own insinuation of passing along information he obtains about our region to those who would potentially like to see harm come to it"
Yes. Those are the reasons.
Personal attacks and being generally rude are subjective judgements about another person's use of their freedom of speech. If the libertarian and democratic trumpetings of the founders of Taijitu are to be taken seriously, then arbitrary bans for using your freedom of speech are something which need to cease. The replacement of Baltija's avatar with the words "Unfortunately, not mature enough to remain here..." are also highly damaging to Taijitu - you apparently must conform to the Founders' arbitrary definition of mature in order to remain a citizen.
So you are saying that it is okay for Baltija to insult me? In that case....what is to stop everyone on the forum from insulting everyone else? Why not turn Taijitu into one big insult forum where you can say whatever you want about anyone without being punished for it? No. Insulting someone results in being asked to stop. If it continues, then a warning. This was combined with the other reasons Baltija was banned.
The impersonation of a minister was an issue which was easy to rectify, and a dressing down of Baltija was needed. This action was wrong. It was also a joke - found by many (including Taijituan ministers) to be funny. There is no law against it, and the level of damage to Taijitu caused by this was infinitesimal.
Funny? I'm sooooo glad everyone found this sooooo funny. How about threatening regional security? Baltija knew he was wrong in doing what he did....but he did it anyway....a classic example of how unremorseful he is.
The passing of IRC logs and screenshots to the Lexicon are an interesting reason. First of all, there is again no Taijituan law against this. The senate needs to decide at some point if IRC conversations should come under the law, and perhaps vice versa, since there is a rule in IRC about not publishing logs without the permission of all involved.
Remember back in The Lex when OT was banned for passing a post from the Senate about him proposing that we end the war that was between us at the time? Passing information from one forum to another has always been against the rules of any forum. Baltija again knew what he was doing. He is under Cath and John's thumb and was most probably only here in the first place to gather information to pass to them.
[23:26] <TCM> Bal...these logs better not be being posted elsewhere without the consent of everyone here.
[23:27] <Eluvatar> verily
[23:28] <Baltija> Huh?
[23:28] <Eluvatar> well, everyone talking anyways
[23:28] <Eluvatar> That's the rule with IRC logs actually--
[23:28] <Eluvatar> you don't share them unless everyone who was involved agrees to allow you to.
[23:28] <Eluvatar> It's a very frequently broken rule, but it is a rule.
[23:28] <Eluvatar> When it is broken and people notice, then the person who breaks it does get lots of people annoyed at them.
[23:29] <Eluvatar> Generally speaking.
[23:29] <Baltija> Yes, a very frequently broken one.
[23:29] <Baltija> Well, technically I won't be copying/pasting logs but...... Where's another way around 
[23:30] <TCM> Bal...if we find out these logs have been copied without our permission, you will be banned from the channel.
[23:30] <Myroria> There's another way around
[23:30] <Eluvatar> You can tell people what your impression of the conversation was.
[23:30] <Myroria> That's always annoyed me, and I just thought I'd tell you.
[23:31] <Baltija> I said, there's another way around to show logs without copying/pasting them
[23:31] <Eluvatar> Although if this was a fully private conversation, we would get annoyed at you for that 
[23:31] <Baltija> 
[23:31] <Baltija> Damn, it sounds so sweet coming from you!
[23:31] <Eluvatar> You mean transferring the actual logfile?
[23:31] <Eluvatar> Same thing.
[23:31] <Eluvatar> 0_o
[23:31] <Eluvatar> o_0
[23:31] <Baltija> Well, I haven't thought about that
[23:32] <Eluvatar> Sending the actual logfile is exactly the same thing as CnPing the log
[23:32] <Eluvatar> this is not a literal rule, this is a general rule.
[23:32] <Eluvatar> You do not share logs in any way shape or form without consent.
[23:32] <Baltija> Sure, whatever you say
See the bolded lines. Baltija knew exactly what he was doing and was warned several times about not posting IRC logs without the permission of everyone involved. You can see that he was clearly planning on doing so, and was also being very stupid about it.
The screenshots are particularly interesting. It is my suspiscion that the reason this is such an issue is that it is now possible for Taijituans to see that their Delegate did not give a reason for his banning to Baltija, in breach (according to Pragmia) of the constitution. It appears to me that The Lexicon has neither the ability nor the inclination to "harm" Taijitu, and in any case the information passed on was open source, not privileged, sensitive or legal (court/senate proceedings) in nature.
SDixie had every reason to ban Baltija.
The Lexicon does have the inclination to harm Taijitu. I have received threats from Cath (not uncommon coming from her though) and amazing enough from Rob, about recruiting. We have also had a nation move into the region spamming our RMB claiming that Taijitu is made up of only puppets...clearing a Lex stunt. There is also a UN nation inside the region that I have reason to believe is controlled by IP or one of the other Founders of The Lex. FL, Cath and IP dislike Taijitu's success. They have made this clear. So yes, they do have reason to want to harm the region.
I do not make these points to defend Baltija's actions. I like the guy but had to act on him myself as an Admin in The Lex. What I am trying to point out is basically what is stated in my signature quote. You can use the youth of the region as much as you like as a defence, but it seems to me that the region has, in its very first days, betrayed the reason it was created.
Baltija's banning was for the good of the region. He has repeatedly insulted people, done what he was told not to do, and gone out of his way to get himself banned. Baltija's banning has been explained and justified. Yet certain people will not let it rest, and then claim that the banning was not good for the region. It was...it is the fact that those people will not let it be that it isn't good for the region.
Baltija is gone. He has been informed of his right to appeal and has not done so yet....you know why? Because he knows that it was right that he was banned. He practically went out of his way to get himself banned and therefore most probably won't appeal it. Baltija probably did not even want to be here in the first place. Why did he behave in the manner that he did (constantly....right from the moment he got here) if he actually wanted to be here?
If anyone has any further problems regarding this banning, either PM me (as I supported and still do support Baltija's banning), or PM SDixie.
Next time someone wants to moan about this banning not being good for the region...think twice before posting saying so, as it is the constant moaning of those people that are keeping this thing alive.